[Tango-L] Social Tango, pre 1994

Tom Stermitz stermitz at tango.org
Sat Jul 15 11:20:17 EDT 2006

Probably the three most influential teaching methodologies today  
include the "8CB w/DBS" developed in the 60s or 70s by Todaro/Copes,  
the "Improvised Small Elements" of many milonguero teachers in the  
90s, and the "Improvised Walk/Turn" developed by Gustavo Naveira and  
Fabian Salas also in the 90s.

Each method has value, and has been proven effective at getting  
people to learn tango. Yeah, you can point to shortcomings in each  

All knowledge is useful, whether you personally partake of it or not.  
Chris, you are permitted not have to sip that cup.

On Jul 15, 2006, at 5:05 AM, Chris, UK wrote:

>> Certainly the mid-90s were very creative period for the "FaGuChi"
>> crowd. They deserve credit for systematizing a lot of tango concepts,
>> ...
>> http://www.totango.net/salas2.html
> Señor Salas must die with embarrassment every time he's reminded of  
> that
> interview...
> Such as his account of he and Gustavo worked for years on e.g.
> 'systematising' the forward, backward and side steps... by  
> relabelling them
> "front", "back" and "open". To arrive at the 'conerstone concept'  
> of there
> being just these three positions in tango.
> Then going on to invent the name 'cross system'... for a walk that  
> has no
> crossing and is not a system.
> Quite how a whole generation of teachers mistook this nonsense for  
> a System
> of Tango Nuevo will forever remain one of tango's great mysteries ;)
> Chris

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