[Tango-L] World Tango Championships v. World Tango Festival

Alberto Gesualdi clambat2001 at yahoo.com.ar
Wed Aug 30 09:55:29 EDT 2006

Janis, just an imaginary comparison.
  Suppose that you and me live in London. A friend tell us that there is something called " mundial de tango", and that it is possible to compete.OPur friend says " i have talked with the organizers and they will send judges, we will make a roundup here in London"
  Later our friend call us and say " sorry, we can not afford the expenses to make this classification  , we are requested an U$S 3.000 by a company called TCS to be able to be appointed as roundup site , we have to pay the air tickets and lodgings of the judges that came from Buenos Aires, and we can not film or record or nothing of this event, TCS keeps all the copyrights".
  So our friend says " better go on you own, it will cheaper ". We make our accounts and have a budget of around u$s 5.000 for air tickets, lodging, clothes, rehearsal and internal travel.
  so you tell me " alberto, better skip this mundial de tango and go the world tango festival , it will cheaper and they will take care of us, the mundial de tango does not take care of us, they will simply take our registration entry and from there onwards is to our risk and benefit ".
  This a good comparison with a private entrepreneur that does the right steps, compared with an ill fated organizer ( the city of buenos aires town hall ). They simply lack the know how . I listen the reports from the mundial de tango on FM tango and they were pathetic to say the least, they send an old man that could not explain nothing. Fortunately he have the address of La rural well noted, otherwise he could have entered into the nearby city zoo and God knows what kind of report he would have made .....
  Last but not the least, being a public event made with public funds, a minimum information on the income and expenses should be made every year, and we are still waiting for that.
  Another absurd thing is to hire and pay a private place as La Rural is, when the city has the Centro cultural recoleta for free as "owner" , and this place (Recoleta center ) could be a bright site to promote the city of Buenos Aires as a tango venue .
  I am thinking , not in the people that can enter free to the exhibit of mundial de tango, but on the people that came from many countries to compete, paying their expenses. It is not fair to have at least a courtesy at their arrival , they are the ones that light this "tango circus" as the mundial de tango is .
  warm regards
  alberto gesualdi
  buenos aires

Janis Kenyon <jantango at feedback.net.ar> escribió:
  Alberto Gesualdi wrote in part:
<World Tango Festival (with Aurora Lubiz and Jorge Firpo as hosts in the last
edition), differences arise inmediately. Of course, for the world tango
festival you have to book in advance , pay the fees, etc.etc.. but once you
pay, the organization takes care of you. This world festival still lacks
and organization abroad .The embassies made some help with promotion and
assistance, but do not put money in the event.>>>

The tango championships held during eleven days are an event organized by
the city of Buenos Aires with many corporate sponsors. Participation in the
competition is free to all. Entrance to the concerts, classes, and
competitions are free as well. More than 100,000 people attended over the
11 days. www.tangodata.gov.ar

The World Tango Festival organized by Daniel Rofman since 2001 is a private
enterprise. He is a businessman with a bank account in the USA who saw an
opportunity with tango. He hired Lubiz and Firpo as artistic directors
since he knows nothing about tango. He sets up the hotel, registration
fees, travel packages, and hires the teachers and orchestras. The
week-long event drew 800 people last year from 35 countries for classes and
milongas. This is a private enterprise that supports itself by charging
registration of $498us up to $622us per person. Rofman doesn't need
sponsorship. www.worldtangofestival.com.ar

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