[Tango-L] teachers unite for constructive discussions

Tine tine_elists at tangomuse.com
Tue Aug 22 22:51:03 EDT 2006

Dear friends on Tango-L

Is there a place where people who labor tirelessly to teach tango to other
people, with a view to building their communities, and possibly paying some
of the bills, can interact in a peaceful, professional manner, have
meaningful exchanges, constructive discussions, and civilized differences of
opinion, without having to put up with nosy critical civilians who
are neither teachers nor students and who also have nothing to contribute
except negativity and blanket disapproval?
If there is such a forum, I would like to trade in the Tango-L for an
invitation there. If there is not, can somebody please start one and let me
know. It is very simple to do. It would matter that somebody takes up
responsibility to keep the discussions useful and the nitwits out. I
recommend googlegroups or yahoogroups.

I would appreciate it.

Thank you



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