[Tango-L] Getting students to dances

Dave Schmitz dschmitz at magellan.teq.stortek.com
Fri Aug 18 14:06:07 EDT 2006

> I tell my beginners that whether they take lessons for one week or one
> year, the first time they step on the milonga floor will be terrifying.
> They've just got to screw up their courage and do it.
> Lois 

That sounds very discouraging.

Recently, while home to see my folks and all, I took a piano lesson
from my aunt.  She's a phenomenon, improvises anything, plays in
any key, transposing on the fly, van Cliburn competition, etc.

I quit piano way back at the age of 12, and though I'd played maybe
one hour per year since then, I knew I was rusty.  Couldn't even
read sheet music any more.

She had a great exercise.  Pick a favorite tune, any one.  Now hit
a piano key without looking.  Now play the tune.

Mistakes?  Yep!
I was really uncomfortable making mistakes,
especially on her beautiful Steinway grand.

After one mistake, I mumbled somthing like "oops", and she

"don't worry, that's just an embellishment".

And went on to say that even pros make mistakes, and
they just play through it.

With those little phrases, she took all my fears away.

Teach these to beginners
   "oops" is just an embellishment
   just play through

Take their fears away.

Don't give them fears they might not have.
Don't tell them it will be terrifying.

Tell them it will be fun.
Have them all go together, as a cub pack.
Have them support each other, & be loyal to their classmates.

DJ Dave de Denver

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