[Tango-L] What Does It Take to Dance Tango?

Caroline Polack runcarolinerun at hotmail.com
Mon Aug 14 12:12:42 EDT 2006

"There is also a lot of talk about wanting/needing to dance with someone of
your “level.”  Personally, just give me a woman who can follow, walk, has a
concept of the cross and ocho, and can manage basic turns to the right and
left.  But mostly, mostly, mostly, just give me a woman who is simply
interested in enjoying three minutes of the closeness, passion, and
sensuality of a tango.  "

If only all felt that way but it's not the case. Since it's bad protocol to 
teach a woman how to do steps at a Milonga, she is left with no recourse but 
to learn from from a teacher or someone else who has the time and patience 
to teach on their own at practicas. Many times at Milongas, men try to lead 
me into doing steps with which I have no familiarity or have yet to learn.

Sometimes people have fun doing more elaborate or complex sequences of moves 
and that's their business - if they are going to take it upon themselves to 
teach or learn it - why not?

Does one really have to have background in dance in order to be a good tango 
dancer? I don't know, I've seen many many good dancers at clubs and other 
venues who had never taken a class in their life. So, either you've got an 
innate sense for dance and musicality  or you don't despite if you had 
training or not.

Personally, I am going to keep taking classes until I've learned all the 
moves that leaders tend to do at Milongas.


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