[Tango-L] Dancer profile in Buenos Aires

burl burl burlq7 at yahoo.com
Tue Aug 1 16:26:54 EDT 2006

Hey NK, don't forget our gift to Argentina:
  Midwestern retiree Argenophiles limping to their Milongas.  And they do us a great service in the USA too; in telling us who's in the know in chat boards, blogs and tango-L.  I know for a fact I would be very unsure of my dance if a mexican cardiologist didn't say hello to me when I paid double at the door.
  But most of all, it is nice to know that people are the same the world over--weather you dance hip-hop or tango there is always someone who desperately wants to tell you who is in, who is a lout, who is just folks and who inspires their dentist.

Nitin Kibe <nitinkibe at hotmail.com> wrote:
Quite right: the exception proving the rule was probably the previous Duarte 
regime's ambassador to the US who held a farewell milonga at the embassy on 
his last night in Washington, wore a Gardel style hat, danced reasonably 
well, and belted out "Adios Muchachos" with gusto to our delight.

Another exception was one, but only the one, officer on the Argentine Navy 
sail training ship Libertad who danced well at the on board milonga when the 
ship came to Baltimore.

Would that argentines appreciated their own gift to the world!

Wash DC

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