[Tango-A] [Tango-L] ADMIN: Tango-A posts should now be made to Tango-L

"Christian Lüthen" christian.luethen at gmx.net
Sat May 30 13:08:12 EDT 2015

As much as I respect your decision, Shahrukh,
I am still a bit sad about it. 
I had extremely valued through all the years that Tango-L was free of Tango-A announcements. In the German-tango list 'tango-de' everything goes into one list ... and I always prefered the Tango-L and -A difference. 
Anyway: thanks for keeping the list(s) alive! Very much appreciated! 

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The difference between theory and practice is greater in practice than in theory... 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 


> Gesendet: Samstag, 30. Mai 2015 um 19:01 Uhr
> Von: "Shahrukh Merchant" <shahrukh at shahrukhmerchant.com>
> An: tango-a at mit.edu
> Cc: tango-l at mit.edu
> Betreff: [Tango-L] ADMIN: Tango-A posts should now be made to Tango-L
> Effective immediately, please make all future posts on Tango event 
> announcements to Tango-L instead of Tango-A.
> Tango-A members who are not subscribed to Tango-L (the majority are) 
> will need to subscribe manually to Tango-L if they wish to continue 
> receiving Tango-A posts. They will NOT automatically be added on 
> Tango-L! See http://tango-l.com/#Subscribe for instructions on 
> subscribing, but in brief, you can either:
> - Go to http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/tango-L and fill in your 
> information there (recommended method), or
> - Send an email to Tango-L-request at mit.edu with the word SUBSCRIBE in 
> the subject filed and/or body (alternative method).
> Tango-A will be discontinued for posting effective 1 June 2015 (in a 
> couple of days). Essentially, the idea is to merge Tango-A back with 
> Tango-L since there isn't enough volume on Tango-A to justify continuing 
> the list as a separate entity.
> This message is being copied to the Tango-L list so that those on that 
> list know to expect Tango-A posts there.
> The convention on the subject prefix should be retained. This will be a 
> good way of instantly identifying Tango event announcements (vs. Tango 
> discussion). As a reminder, the subject prefix, to be used for 
> geographically oriented event announcements, or other commercial posts 
> (e.g., sale of Tango shoes or books), are:
> SA: South America
> NA-E: North America (Eastern)
> NA-C: North America (Central)
> NA-W: North America (Western)
> EU-W: Europe (Western)
> EU-E: Europe (Eastern)
> AASP: Asia, Africa, South Pacific/Oceania (basically "rest of world")
> MISC: For commercial posts that don't have a particular geography
> Remember that this applies to where the even it being HELD, and only ONE 
> should be used. In the past, this could affect the distribution of the 
> post (people had the option of subscribing to certain "topics") but now 
> this is strictly a convention and visual aid, and will not affect the 
> distribution in any way (all subscribers will get all posts).
> Q&A
> ---
> Q. What will happen to the membership list?
> A. The list will be deleted from the MIT servers in due course (in a few 
> days I expect, once I tell them to go ahead and do so). I will keep a 
> personal copy of this list, but I don't expect to use it.
> Q. Can I get a copy of the membership list?
> A. No, it and is not for distribution or sale. However, if you are a 
> Tango organizer, or wish to maintain your own Tango event list (or are 
> looking for a lost tango friend who you suspect is on Tango-A, etc.), 
> you are free to post to Tango-A (not to Tango-L in this case) in the 
> next couple of days (before it is closed to postings) soliciting members 
> who wish to add themselves to your private list to email you privately 
> with a request to do so (or via whatever other automatic subscription 
> mechanism you may have). Or if you have some other reason for contacting 
> everyone on the Tango-A list, go ahead and send an email (again just to 
> Tango-A in this case, not Tango-L) in the next day or so before the list 
> is closed--don't worry too much about the posting rules and such.
> Q. What about the archives?
> A. Yes, there are archives which will be maintained indefinitely. There 
> will be a separate post on this shortly. I have recently arranged two 
> archival sites for all previous Tango-A posts, and in fact was waiting 
> for that to complete before closing Tango-A (merging it back with Tango-L).
> Q. So I can make all my Tango-A posts on Tango-L now? Which posting 
> rules apply--the Tango-L ones or the Tango-A ones?
> A. Yes, you may continue to make your Tango-A posts as before; just send 
> them to Tango-L at mit.edu instead. Use the Tango-A posting rules (though 
> really, inappropriate posts on Tango-A have been very rare and 
> essentially a non-issue, so you don't need to go rushing over to reread 
> the rules).
> Q. There was talk about Tango-L being shut down too. Does this mean 
> Tango-L is not going to be closed?
> A. No it doesn't ... Just that it doesn't make sense for both to be 
> around given the low volume on both lists, and it's more logical to 
> merge Tango-A into Tango-L rather than the other way around. Tango-L is 
> still "on probation" in terms of the value of keeping it around, but for 
> now I'm adopting a "wait and see" attitude on it.
> Q. I can't remember if I'm on Tango-L. Can't you just check for us and 
> merge the lists?
> A. I could, but (a) most people who are on one are on the other anyway 
> (b) this filters out those who can't be bothered to subscribe 
> (considering it takes perhaps 20 seconds) as they probably aren't that 
> interested in being on the list anyway. At any rate, if you're on 
> Tango-L, you'd know it since you'd have received some emails in the last 
> day or two (there's been recent activity on that list). And if you 
> follow the instructions to subscribe to Tango-L and you're already on 
> the list, it will just tell you that.
> Q. What is all this Tango-A vs. Tango-L stuff anyway? I have no idea 
> what you are talking about. I'm on [Tango-L | Tango-A] and didn't even 
> know there was another list!
> A. See www.tango-L.com for a description of the two lists and their 
> relationship.
> Q. I have some other question about the lists.
> A. Check the FAQ at www.tango-L.com. If you don't find an answer, send 
> an email to tango-L-owner at mit.edu. If it's a question of widespread 
> interest, I'll post the reply to the list.
> Shahrukh Merchant
> Tango-L and Tango-A administrator
> tango-L-owner at mit.edu
> _______________________________________________
> Tango-L mailing list
> Tango-L at mit.edu
> http://mailman.mit.edu/mailman/listinfo/tango-l

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