[Tango-A] NA-W: A Myriad of Non-Tango Activities available at BurningTango
Clay Nelson
tangoclay at gmail.com
Tue May 20 19:03:17 EDT 2014
Looking for a few non-tango activities for your
(June 27-19, 2014 in McCloud, CA.) Here's just a few suggestions from
previous attendees:
1. Great gin and tonics at the American Legion Club!
2. Camped at Castle Crag State Park. Great campsite with nice showers. I
would recommend Burny Falls.
3. Shasta Caverns were very refreshing and interesting on a hot summer
4. Went up to Lava Beds national monument, Squaw Valley creek, and Seven
Lakes Basin.
5. We stayed a couple of extra days and hiked the river trail as far as
we could. wonderful (even if we didn't catch any fish)!
6. Mt. Shasta Caverns: Awesome! And cool in both temperature (71o year
round) and wonder. $24 each, but that includes a boat ride there and back
plus the tour inside the gorgeous caverns. Great fun!! Will be back next
7. Went to Ashland for OSF... it was a trek but almost as fun and
rewarding as Burning Tango!
8. Ate a wonderful dinner in the McCloud Hotel - can't remember the
name, it is the large hotel/B&B across the street from the old
trains...........ate in the garden....great service and delicious food.
9. camped at the dance RV camp and it was great too, clean and a pretty
site under the trees with a view of Mt. Shasta
10. Had a great hike on Mt. Shasta after driving up as far as the road
goes and climbing to 9000 feet, to the snow far above the tree line.
11. The cafe in the Merca0ntile that made wraps and shakes was great.
12. "Organic Cafe in Mercantile the best food in town.
13. White-water kayaked on the McCloud river--very scenic, very
14. We hiked to two of three McCloud River Falls. Short distance, and
lots of good nature.
15. Shasta City has plenty of restaurant choices - Mike & Tony's was the
16. The American Legion hall was so much fun! Saturday morning pancake
breakfast downtown McCloud were yummy!
17. Aaron's at the Lodge was not bad at all. The sandwiches from the
deli counter at the Mercantile were awesome.
18. The waterfalls are also a great swimming spot.
19. "RiverLodge had good food, great service, and live music
20. Lake Siskiyou was good for morning swimming, Castle Lake was nicer,
less people, clearer, cleaner water though a little colder, best for later
in the day
21. Aaron's @ McCloud River Inn: service was good, so was the food, and
we sat outside with a great view of Mt. Shasta
22. "We hiked the McCloud River to the Middle Falls. Restaurants in
Shasta City: Mike and Tony's (Italian) - very good, Lily's - good, the new
Thai restaurant -very good."
23. "Lake Siskiyou is easy to get to, delightful temperature for
swimming & has stellar views of The Mountain. Castle Lake is clear,
delightfully refreshing & swimmable with many little places to picnic &
swim & hoola hoop. A nearby hike goes to Hart lake which has Big Views of
Mt Shasta & Castle
24. Lake.McCloud Reservoir is a good swim, rimmed with evergreens.
25. Any fly fisherman should camp at the old-timey Friday RV park which
has ponds of trout (& an airstrip).
26. The coffee house with organic wraps, soup, coffee and ice cream was
27. We had bkfst at Dogwood Diner in Dunsmuir; milkshakes at the McCloud
Merchantile; dinner at Cafe Maddalena and at Andaman Healthy Thai.
28. We hiked the upper and lower McCloud river falls, quite nice and
very easy.
29. Also saw Lake Siskiyou since we stayed at the Mt. Shasta Resort. The
restaurant at the resort was awesome.
30. Hiked the Three Falls trail along the McCloud River. Well worth it,
beautiful water falls. Remember to take sunscreen!
31. The fishing was actually one of the reasons I attended the festival
as I have fished that area for the past 35 years
32. While fishing the lower (very, very remote section) McCloud Monday
and Tuesday it dawned on me that there is a great opportunity for you
to get to together with one or two of the local fishing guides to put on a
little "Tango and Trout" seminar. Something that would transition from one
to the other....fact is it could go both ways: Small group goes fishing
then tango and then another group goes tango then fishing. I would be happy
to put you in touch with the guides I know of in/around McCloud.
33. Swimming in Castle Lake & the lower [?] Falls
34. Castle Lake and River Falls diving
35. The Falls! upper and lower.
36. Lake Siskyou was lovely. It was too hot for this wimp to hike
37. the Dance Country campground is excellent.... the folks who run it
are super friendly.
38. Hiked at end of road on Mount Shasta Also walked along the McCloud
river trail between waterfalls
39. Fridays RV campground is quiet and scenic.
40. Lake Siskiyou has delightful swimming and water temperatures.
41. McCloud waterfalls were refreshingly cold and festive with summer
loving hikers/swimmers.
42. I enjoyed seeing Fowler Falls, lower and middle.
43. Swim in the Lake Siskyou, hiking around Lower Fall to Mid fall.
Stayed in the shade at the RV park- highlight was coming home to my own
place/RV each night! Also brought a town bike: coasted downhill with tired
feet after the milongas, so excellent. Hiked from Panther Campground on the
Shasta's flank. Swam at the Middle waterfall not far from McCloud- cold &
44. Went swimming at Lake Siskyou, exceptional, really a highlight.
45. Friday's campground is very quiet and has splashing stream for kids
and dogs, but is 6 miles away.
46. Lake Siskiyou was easily accessible and close to McCloud for
swimming. The McCloud falls were also great, a combination of easy hiking
and swimming.
Also, check out the Non-Tango Activities
And if you have't already registered, go to:BurningTango 2014
Clay Nelson
(541) 646-8705
tangoclay at gmail.com
<tangoclay at gmail.com>
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