[Tango-A] NA-E: Nocturne NYC, Alex Krebs and Rebecca Rorick Smith perform, DJ Shorey, 9/21

robin thomas robinthomastango at gmail.com
Sat Sep 7 13:15:49 EDT 2013


-- New York's Monthly one day tango festival, every third Saturday.

Host Robin Thomas

22 W 34th St Fl 4, New York, New York 10001 (east entrance)

Once again, master teacher, incredibly entertaining performer, Alex

DJ Shorey Myers <https://www.facebook.com/shoreym?directed_target_id=0> from
San Francisco.

Intermediate class taught by Alex 9-10pm
Performance at midnight Alex Krebs and Rebecca Rorick

Chacareras at 2am (remind me at 1:50am, please).

No BYOB, there's a cash bar and café.

If you bump into someone, acknowledge that, regardless of whose fault you
think it was
Don't call anyone a bad name for not accepting an invitation to dance.
Say hi to everyone.

$7 students with college ID

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