[Tango-A] NA-C: Susana Miller workshops in Chicago this weekend, May 31 - June 2
chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Wed May 29 19:50:41 EDT 2013
Susana Miller Milonguero Weekend in Chicago
Susana Miller arrives in Chicago tomorrow, Thursday, May 30th for a weekend of workshops from May 31st to June 2nd. On May 31st she will give her first class at the Latvian Center, 4146 N. Elston, Chicago, prior to Milonga Alegra. On June 1st and 2nd Susana will give five workshops and a practica at Dance Connection, 3117 N. Clybourn, Chicago.
Susana has structured the weekend of workshops to be progressive and the workshops build off each other. You can sign up with a partner or as individual if you take the full 6 class package, or purchase a full day pass. Please register and pay prior to the start of the workshops if you would like to gurarantee a spot in the workshops.
We have limited availability for the workshops on Saturday and Sunday. If you would like to attend the workshops, please confirm availability by sending an email to chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com to confirm that there is space available.
Susana only has a few private lessons available from Monday to Wednesday of next week. No openings are available between tomorrow and Monday.
Please note that the Sunday practica, is limited to individuals that purchase a full workshop pass or a full Sunday workshop pass.
Susana Miller WORKSHOPS
Friday, May 31st
7:30-9:00pm A: Everybody’s Workshop ( All levels ) designed for dancers to advance their technique on: posture, embrace, connection, & rhythm. Like a musical instrument, the body also needs to be tuned.
Milonga Alegre with Susana Miller at Latvian Center, 9:30 pm - 2am
Saturday, June 1st
12:00-1:30 B: How to build perfect dance floor movement (all levels) Little steps and keys to develop or enhance your choreography, changes of direction, embellishments etc.
2:00-3:30 C: Milonga Traspie (intermediate) A dash of traspie will spice up your milonga. Aim for sheer deliciousness when you both hit the spot.
4:00-5:30 D: Musicality (Intermediate) - How to dance with musical phrasing. (Rhythm and/or melody.) How to use the steps you know in the music.
Sunday, June 3rd
12:00-1:30 E : Vals. (intermediate/advance)
The legs "listen" - Technique for balanced turns. Double giro to the right with sacada to the left. Cepillos. For women: The body of the woman is a violin. balance and fluidity in giros and the backwards ocho.
2-3:30 F: How to Develop a Complex Dance (Intermediate/Advance ) How to integrate more steps into your dancing and develop complex figures. Keys to make a charming dance for both leads and follows. 3:30-500: Practica - For attendees of Sunday classes
Entire package: 6 classes, milonga & practica $ 160.00
Full time student: 6 classes, milonga & practica $ 120.00
Saturday Classes $90.00; Full Time Students $ 70.00
Sunday Classes including practica $75 FT students S55.00
Individual Class $ 35.00 – FT Student $ 25.00
Milonga Alegre $15/$10 FT Student
-$5 discount if attend Friday workshop
Friday class is at Latvian Center.
All Other Classes and Practica (Sun. 3:30-5pm) at
Dance Connection, 3117 N. Clybourn, Chicago
Milonga Alegre takes place at Latvian Center, 4146 N. Elston, Chicago
Mail check payable to: Chicago Milonguero, Ltd., 123 W. MADISON ST., Suite 1400, CHICAGO, IL 60603, (708) 955-6040, chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Pay pal payment: Payment can also be made through www.paypal.com . Please make payment to chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com and please note the classes you plan on attending.
To get a flyer of the workshops, please go to: http://chicagotangofestival.com/SusanaMillerWS. Susana Miller has only a limited number of private lessons still available during her stay in Chicago. If you have any question concerning the workshops or have an interest in a private lesson, please contact Ray Barbosa at 708-955-6040 or email him at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com . If you have any questions about Milongre Alegre contact Richard Miller at 847-477-8763 or Milla Beck at 847-606-8386
Ray Barbosa
Chicago Milonguero, Ltd.
Tel. 312-223-9825
Fax. 708-406-1604
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