[Tango-A] NA-C: Oscar Casas & Ana Miguel Vals & Milonga Bootcamps in Chicago, 8/3 & 4

chicagomilonguero chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Wed Jul 31 12:46:37 EDT 2013

Oscar Casas and Ana Miguel are in Chicago until August 8th. This weekend, Saturday and Sunday, August 3 and 4, they will do a vals and milonga bootcamp. At this time there is limited availability. If you are interested in attending one or both of the bootcamps, please contact Ray Barbosa at either email chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com or call him at 708-955-6040 to inquire about availability in the bootcamps.

For more information on Oscar and Ana Miguel, you can view some videos of their exhibitions and classes at http://www.youtube.com/user/twototango2 .

August 3 & 4
Vals and Milonga Bootcamps

Saturday, August 3 (Dance Connection, 3117 N. Clybourn, Chicago) 12:00-5:00 : VALS BOOTCAMP
All Vals. The music of the Vals inspires us to realize another cadence, music, and turns. The vals along with the milonga or the tango are three things with different flavors, that you enjoy differently.

A.The taste of the vals. Cadence and musicality. How to make the fluidity in the movements that the vals requires.
B. Power of the vals. The vals presents circular energy. Floating giros to the rythmn of the vals.
C.The distinction feminine and masculine. How to induce simple but beautiful vals adornments.
D. Sacadas with giro and feminine planeos to the timing of the vals. Focusing on posture.
E. Calecitas with changes of weight and masculine planeos. Lead, musicality and feminine posture.
F. Practica.

Sunday, August 4 (Dance Connection, 3117 N. Clybourn, Chicago) 12:00-5:00 MILONGA BOOTCAMP

All Milonga. We will study the long and short of milonga and add effortless variations that only look complicated.

A. Overview of Milonga Lisa and Milonga Traspie.
B.Cadencia. Difference with the tango. We start with a well-defined structure to realize simple combinations..
C. Giros to the right and left starting from the basic structure. Ideal for navigation and musical expression.
D. Musicality with weight changes. Simple and effective ways to represent the musice with fun and suprising results.
E. Traspie and Fun Variations. Wrap up the bootcamp with various milonga traspie variations.
F. Practica.

Entire package: Vals and Milonga Bootcamps...... $150.00
Full Time Student: Vals and Milonga Bootcamps....$120.00
Saturday or Sunday bootcamps.................... $ 90.00
Full Time Student: Sunday or Sunday classes..... $ 70.00


Oscar Casas and Ana Miguel will also be giving private lessons during their stay.

For a flyer go to www.chicagotangofestival.com/OscarAnaWS2
You can also contact Ray Barbosa at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com or 708-955-6040 or you can friend him on facebook.

Ray Barbosa
Chicago Milonguero, Ltd.
Tel. 708-955-6040
chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Oscar and Ana still have a couple of dates available for workshops in October if you are interested in hosting them. Send an email to Ray Barbosa, chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com, to discuss available dates. 
Stay tune for information on our next Chicago Mini Tango Festival,www.chicagotangofestival.com

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