[Tango-A] NA-C: 2013 Chicago Mini Tango Festival Update

chicagomilonguero chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 17 23:13:11 EST 2013

Chicago Milonguero, Ltd. NEWSLETTER  :  January 17, 2013

Chicago Mini Tango Festival Update

Due to the enthusiastic response to the festival, registration is now restricted for followers wanting to sign up for Workshop Passes at the Festival. There are however a few slots left for couples who register together.  Followers may also request to be put on the waiting list.   Please contact us at info at chicagotangofestival.com if you want to register as a couple (note -unless that option is on the registration page) or if you want to be placed on the wait list. 

A limited number of Milonga passes are still available for leaders and followers.

We regret having to restrict registration to the Festival, but this is necessary to preserve gender balance as well the overall quality of the festival.   Thank you for your understanding.

There are STILL slots available for leaders to register for workshops and milongas.  Guys this is your chance - don't miss this opportunity!

Guest instructors:
-Alicia Pons (Buenos Aires),
-Enriqueta Kleinman & Osvaldo Natucci (Buenos Aires),
-Oscar Casas & Ana Miguel (Buenos Aires),
-Pablo Rodriguez & Eva Garlez (Buenos Aires)

-Osvaldo Natucci (Buenos Aires),
-Pablo Rodriguez (Buenos Aires)
-Linda Valentino (Los Angeles),
-Derrick Del Pilar (Tucson),
-Paul Akmajian  (Albuquerque)

More information on the instructors and DJs can be obtained here:

The Festival will be held at the Rosemont Hilton from Thursday, April 18 through Sunday, April 21, 2013. The Rosemont Hilton is offering Festiival attendees a special $109+tax/rate per night for 1-4 people in the room.   For more details and to register at the hotel go to: rosemont.hilton.com/cmtf

The Early Bird Rate for the Festival Pass ends March 1, 2013.  There are also discounted rates available for other types of Festival passes. Intensive Beginner Program passes for the new dancer are also available. To register and pay for the festival, please go to:

Please also complete the Registration Form at:

Join us and our other guests from Japan, United Kingdom, Canada, Puerto Rico, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Mexico, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wisconsin...

Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago in April.

Let your friends know that they can subscribe to our mailing list any of the
following ways:
1- this link on our website:  http://www.chicagotangofestival.com/Contact_Information.php  ,
2- our Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=22276123852&ref=ts , or
3- on Twitter: http://twitter.com/ChicgoMiniTango

Looking forward to seeing you in Chicago in April.

Take care,
Ray Barbosa
Chicago Milonguero, Ltd.
Brigitta Winkler will be in Chicago for the first time from Mach 13-19, 2013 and will do a weekend of workshops on March 16 and 17th.  For more information go to: www.chicagotangofestival.com/BrigittaWS

Susana Miller will be back in Chicago from May 30 - June 5th,
with workshops on June 1 & 2.  If interested in attending these workshops,please send an email to chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com 

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