[Tango-A] NA-W: Brigitta Winkler - Salt Lake City - Nov. 30 - Dec. 2, 2012
Mark Christensen
mark at mlchristensendds.com
Sun Nov 25 18:16:55 EST 2012
Brigitta Winkler - Salt Lake City - Nov. 30 to Dec. 2, 2012
We are excited to welcome Brigitta back for a tango workshop in Salt Lake
City focusing on fundamental technique, adornments, musicality and
improvisation. Class titles for this workshop include:
- The Tango Blueprint: "All that matters"
- Adornos: "The essence of the dance"
- Fun with Crosses: small, complex and musical!
- Concrete Strategies for improvising: Positioning, direction, and
- Concrete Strategies for improvising: Timing, musicality, and
Brigitta is an internationally acclaimed master teacher who combines years
of experience and a host of disciplines, including Mind Body Centering and
Authentic Movement, to provide unique learning experiences for students of
tango. The impact of Brigitta's workshop experiences continues long after
her workshop concludes.
For more information about Brigitta's Salt Lake City workshop see the
workshop flyer<http://www.wasatchtango.org/flyers/2012-11_BrigittaWinkler.pdf>
or www.wasatchtango.org
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