[Tango-A] EU-W: 14-16th of June 2012 - El Pibe Avellaneda & Yvonne Meissner TangoDays in Florence

tango@kidojo.it tango at kidojo.it
Tue May 29 02:46:48 EDT 2012

Have some holidays at Florence and dance Tango with

a Tango legend

El Pibe Avellaneda & Yvonne Meissner 

a pioneer of Tango de Salon Apilado (Milonguero style)


'Menu of the workshop':


thursday 14th of June

08.30pm - 10.00pm

10.00pm - 11.30pm

Afterwards all together in pizzeria!! 


friday 15th of June


Afterwards all together in pizzeria!! 


saturday 16th of June

11.00am-01.00pm a brunch with the teacher to the rhythm of a lesson about the history of Tango music.

Do no miss this special occasion; please book early in couple!


Possible private lessons for the participants of the workshop during the daytime of Thursday, Friday and Saturday morning

where: A.P.D. Ki Dojo, vle. Corsica 3 rosso, Florence, tel 0039-055-362090


Info/booking: Patricia 335-6973233 (german, inglish,Italian)



1 group-lesson 60 euro in couple 

2 group-lessons 110 euro in couple

(the group-lessons are 1 hour and a half)

1 private lesson (1 hour): 85 euro

2 private lessons (2 times 1 hour) 160 euro


Please book early!

The organisation preserves eventual changes of the schedules


You need a B&B at Florence, please take a look at: http://www.airbnb.it/search?location=florenz

Do not miss this special occasion to participate at this workshop with two Tangolegends: 

El Pibe Avellaneda of Buenos Aires (he dances more than 50 years) and

Yvonne Meissner (the teacher who brought more than 25 years ago the first milongueros to Europa).

Il loro appassionato ballo è in stile Tango de Salón Apilado con elementi di Canyengue.


El Pibe Avellaneda did perform in famous theatres all  over the world, also at Broadway, and with the major part of the known Tango orchestres. 

He is one in the row of the famous classics like Carlos Copez, Pepito Avellaneda, Petacca, Arquimbau, Virulazo, Petroleo, Pocho Pizarro (who did a workshop with Yvonne organized by Ki Dojo in Octobre 1998). 

Since at the age of 13 years el Pibe earned prices in the popular Tango-concourses and is a famous teacher all over the world, from the Americas to Russia (where he performed for Putin).

El Pibe and Yvonne dance an 'intuitive' style without a prepared choreography, a Tangostyle which some (since 1990) define as 'milonguero' style, but actually is called 'Tango de Salón Apilado' in Argentina.

El Pibe preferres rhythmical music as from the Rey Del Compas D'Arienzo to Donato and therefore his milonga con traspie interpretations are really superb, which  Yvonne enriches with her rhythmical firuletes of her footwork, being taught by the older female dancers (milongueras) in Buenos Aires she witnessed in the 90-ies, which favors the communication of the couple! 

In 1994 Yvonne Meissner organized in her school 'El Centro' at Amsterdam the first workshops of a Tango in a close embrace with 'unknown milongueros' as they were like Susana Miller and Cacho Dante. 

Since 1996 her teaching activities brought her all over Europe, USA, Canada, Brazil and Argentina. Since 1999 she taught with her husband Eduardo Aguirre (passed away in 2010) and since 2011/12 in festivals in USA. She worked also with Rubén Terbalca, Pocho Pizarro, Susana Miller, Cacho Dante, Daniel Trenner, Ricardo Maceiras (El Pibe Sarandì), Ana Maria Schapira, Eduardo Aguirre, Luis Rojas, Jorge Firpo, Fernando Serrano and now with El Pibe Avellaneda.

El Pibe had delivered famous professionals like Guillermina Quiroga, Aoniken Quiroga and others. 

(here with Guillermina Quiroga http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-M3q5WrCqQg )

Yvonne's brandi s the torsion, the interaction of the couple and of course her special firuletes. (here with Eduardo Aguirre http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7xuJH0UmVEA )


More info on www.tangodesalon.eu

Tango holidays with El Pibe Avellaneda: y Yvonne Meissner 

Umbria Tango Holidays: http://www.facebook.com/events/280932348622761/?ref=ts

Tuscany Tango Holidays: https://www.facebook.com/events/287490737936089/

still place available from 11-18 & 18-25 august in Tuscany



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