[Tango-A] NA-W: Alicia Pons in Phoenix

Nerissa neris11 at cox.net
Sat Jan 28 13:40:22 EST 2012

The incomparable Alicia Pons will be in Phoenix for Tango Milonguero Workshops February 3, 4 and 5  with a special Followers Workshop on February 7th. 
Will have a practica and milongas throughout the weekend with special guest DJ Paul Akmajian of Albuquerque.
Added bonus : our beautiful, sunny weather with highs in the mid 70s and lows in the 40s ! 

Alicia Pons is an elegant and accomplished tango dancer and teacher with a refined technique and distinctive personality.  
She resides and holds tango classes in Buenos Aires and has had successful teaching tours in the US and several other countries.
Dancing tango socially is a part of her life and she is a familiar face  at the milongas, where  she is much desired as a dance partner of  the  milongueros.
While she is noted for her beautiful foot play, she also has a strongly sensual connection with her partner, which is done with humor and decorum.
She exemplifies communication and presence in the dance, and this is a focus in her teaching for both men and women.
Her knowledge of the mechanics of what makes the dance work in the "milonguero" embrace is unique.

For schedule and details, please visit our website :

Contact info : Nerissa : tangoneri at cox.net

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