[Tango-A] NA-C: Early, Early Bird Pass Rates to 2013 CMTF end Jan. 1
chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Mon Dec 31 15:10:51 EST 2012
Early, Early Bird Rates for Passes to the 2013 Chicago Mini Tango Festival end
tomorrow January 1st. (includes Full Festival, Saturday Arrival, Student, Day
Passes, Milonga, and Intensive Beginner Program passes). There will not be any
individual entry to classes or milongas. Passes will be sold until we reach our
limit. The Festival will be held at the Rosemont Hilton from April 18 to 21. As of now, the instructors include Alicia Pons, Oscar Casas and Ana Miguel,
Osvaldo Natucci and Enriqueta Kleinman, and Pablo Rodriguez and Eva Garlez. As
of now, DJs include Osvaldo Natucci, Pablo Rodriguez, Linda Valentino, Derrick
Del Pilar, and Paul Akmajian. For more info, click on the link below: http://www.icontact-archive.com/ZXLnOaQScZxBnqqtULk5s4LJUOWfhY19?w=2 or go to
www.chicagominitangofestival.com If you are in Chicago, passes will be available for purchase at the Black and
White 1st Milonga of the New Year. January 1st from 6-11pm at Chicago Dance, 415
W. Huron, Chicago. DJ Ray Barbosa
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