[Tango-A] NA-E: Saturday October 15, 2011 Annual "Dancing in Small Spaces Contest"
Tango Dancers
tangodancers at comcast.net
Mon Oct 10 00:22:36 EDT 2011
Saturday October 15, 2011
Annual "Dancing in Small Spaces Contest"
Time: 10:00pm
Location: Dance Time Studio of NJ
Marlton Green Shopping Center
36 West Highway Route 70 (Marlton Pike)
Second Floor Room 201
Marlton, NJ 08053-3014
Large parking lot with free parking!
Open to NON-Professionals
Prizes: Gift Certificate for Pair of Mens & Womens Dance Shoes-Value $300.00
Donated by www.vivitango.com
Silver Tango Jewelry-Necklace & Cufflinks-Value $150.0
Judges-Gustavo & Maria
Once formed, the couple must not separate while the music is playing. This means that they will not be break the embrace, which is considered the basic dance position in tango. For the position to be considered correct, the body of one of the members of the couple must be contained all the time by the arm of the other. It is understood that in certain figures, this may be flexible, but not throughout the duration of the dance.
All movements must be made within the space allowed by the couple’s embrace.
The Judges will take into account the couple’s musicality and walking style as fundamental to the score.
Within these parameters, the couple may perform any commonly used figures, including barridas (sweeps), sacadas al piso (drawn to the floor), enrosques (twists), etc.
All other figures typical of Stage Tango such as ganchos (hooks), saltos (jumps) and trepadas (climbs) Leg Wraps, High Boleos are completely forbidden.
Couples must constantly move counterclockwise and may not stay in the same part of the choreographic space as this would obstruct the circulation on the dance floor. Neither member of the couple may lift his or her legs above the knees.
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