Angela Maria Tango
angelamariatango at gmail.com
Wed Nov 23 21:17:48 EST 2011
Hola Tangueros/as,
Enthusiastic tangueros/as travel all over the world in search of GUSTAVO
NAVEIRA & GISELLE ANNE'S teaching. It is a great honor for us to have them
return for a week of Tango in New York!
They just completed an exciting and amazing series of stimulating workshops
that allowed for tango exploration and discovery and started today a
special seminar on "Tango Milonguero" which will end on Sunday, November
To conclude their trip to New York City, Gustavo & Giselle invite you to
attend their Gran Milonga. Do not miss this unique opportunity to watch
their spectacular performance.
Saturday, November 26th at 10:00 p.m. until late.
Dj Tine Herreman
Admission: $15
DanceSport 22 West 34 Street (Bet. 5th and 6th Ave), New York City.
2123071111 www.dancesport.com
A la pista!
Angela Maria
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