[Tango-A] NA-C: Susana Miller Milonguero Weekend in Chicago, May 28 & 29

chicagomilonguero chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Sun May 1 16:54:37 EDT 2011

Susana Miller Milonguero Weekend in Chicago, May 28 and 29, 2011

Susana Miller will be back in Chicago this year for another series of
workshops the weekend of May 28 and 29. There will be limited enrollment. You can sign up with a partner or as individual if you take the full 6 class package or purchase a full day pass. We will attempt to gender balance the enrollment so that you can find a partner during the workshops. Susana Miller will also be available for private lessons during her stay in Chicago from May 26 to June 2, 2011.

Susana Miller is the most prominent teacher in the world today of the
"milonguero" style of tango or what Argentines call "apilado." This style
is danced in the crowded clubs of central Buenos Aires. It is a strictly
social style that emphasizes musicality and the connection between partners.

Susana has researched and studied the dancing of the older milongueros, each of whom has created a unique way to tango. She has been able to decipher their distinct vocabularies and choreographic combinations, and found a way to transmit these to students.

Susana encourages students to employ more rhythm in their dance, to
discover their own dance vocabularies, and to learn how to shape and shrink
these in space. For women, she encourages active following, in which the woman interprets the messages that the leader's body and the spirit are sending.

Clarin,the major Buenos Aires daily paper, called her one of the four most
important influences on contemporary tango, along with Miguel Angel Zotto,
Gustavo Naveira and Gerardo Portalea.

Susana is a native of Buenos Aires and has been dancing and teaching tango
since the late 1980s revival of social tango. She founded and operates her own tango academy in Buenos Aires. She has made annual teaching tours to the United States and Europe since 1994. She will help students improve posture, axis,grounding, breathing, balance, and sensitivity to the lead and follow roles.

She aims to encourage dancers to develop their own unique improvisational
styles through knowledge of the music, space and body. Her classes will
emphasize step quality and rhythm. Rather than predetermined patterns, she will impart a basic choreographic vocabulary that allows dancers to creatively shape their own language.

Susana Miller, May 28 & 29, 2011 WORKSHOPS

Saturday, May 28

12:00-1:30 A: The body is the instrument of the dance. (all levels) The body is the instrument of the dance. Posture, relaxation, rhythm, embrace and walking. Balance Foundations. Two rhythmical patterns. How to avoid pain.

2:00-3:30 B: Steps are the instrument of the music and the navigation.
(alllevels) 3 basic steps of the tango milonguero. Turns inside the dime.
Small details. For women and men:balance in 8 backwards and turns. A method to study.

4:00-5:30 C: Vals - Steps are attractive. They tell beautiful stories to
the woman's body (intermediate & up) Waltz. Rhythm. A lovely walking .A turn and counter turn with double sacada.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

12:00-1:30 D: Walking milonga (all levels) A traspie here and there. How to
go from traspie to walking.

2-3:30 E : Advanced Milonguero Movements (Int./Adv.) Portenio look and
feeling for man and woman. Solid tools to take you to the next level!

4:00-5:30 F : How to Develop a Complex Dance. (advance) How to integrate
more steps into your dancing and develop complex figures. Keys to make a
charming dance for both leads and follows.


SATURDAY, May 28, 2011,10PM-2AM
DJ: Tony Costantino

Early Registration Discount 10% (for classes)


Entire package: 6 classes and Saturday milonga $150.00
Full time student: 6 classes and Saturday milonga $120.00
Saturday or Sunday classes $ 85.00
Full time student: Saturday or Sunday classes $ 65.00
Individual classes $ 35.00; Full time student $25.00
Milonga only (no discount) $15.00

Early Registration Discount good through May 9, 2011

All classes take place at TBA :
Milonga takes place at ArTango

To get a flyer of the workshops, please go to:
http://chicagotangofestival.com/SusanaMillerWS. Susana Miller will
be available for private lessons during her stay in Chicago. If you have any question concerning the workshops or have an interest in a private lesson, please email Ray Barbosa at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com .


Oscar Casas and Ana Miguel Workshops in Fall 2011 and Spring 2012

Oscar Casas will be in Chicago this Fall during their US and Canadian tour. 
Details will be forthcoming. Oscar and Ana will be touring the US Fall 2011 and Srping 2012.  If you have an interest in hosting them, please contact Ray Barbosa.

Video links for Oscar and Ana:


Ray Barbosa
Chicago Milonguero, Ltd.
Tel. 312-223-9825
Fax. 708-406-1604
chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com

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