[Tango-A] NA-W: Luciana Valle returns to Colorado July 9-17 for TangoBootCamp(tm) 2011 and Tango360(tm) Experience!
Brian Dunn
brianpdunn at earthlink.net
Sat Jun 18 21:19:21 EDT 2011
Dear Tango Aficionados;
"Many people think the tango emotional experience is mostly about dark
feelings of being sad or lustful or angry. But it's actually about
"deep" feelings as opposed to "light" feelings. The tango can be about
being happy, too...but it's not a happiness of 'hee,hee,hee' (light
little giggles), it's about a happiness of 'ALL RIGHT, YEAH!' (bent
knees, clenched fists in an upward arc with surging dynamism). It's a
DEEP happiness that you feel DEEPLY, with your internal organs!"
== Luciana Valle, Boulder, 1999
We are thrilled to announce that LUCIANA VALLE will be returning to
Colorado for the first time since 2004! We first started studying
with Luciana (a.k.a. "Hurricane Lucy") twelve years ago, and ever
since, she has been a touchstone for our study of the tango experience.
Her warm enthusiasm, penetratingly brilliant insight into tango structure
and dynamics, profound familiarity with the Buenos Aires tango scene, and
deep skill and experience at dancing both the leader and follower roles
has brought her well-deserved intercontinental fame in the world of tango.
Many of the world's best traveling tango teachers now popular at
festivals trained with Luciana extensively to reach their current
level of expertise. Most of the veteran tango dancers in Colorado have
already trained extensively with Luciana during her frequent visits
here prior to 2005. Local Colorado tango teachers who may disagree on
just about everything else find themselves in agreement about the
value that Luciana brings to the communities she visits. We at Dance
of the Heart are proud to have worked closely with Luciana as her
partners for the last ten years, offering workshops here in Colorado,
and most significantly, developing with her the acclaimed
TangoIntensivo(tm) Sessions, delivering thirty-two intensive training
sessions in Buenos Aires in the last seven years.
Now you can experience the creative force behind these tango training
adventures right here in Colorado! First in the TangoBootCamp(tm) July
9-10, followed by her role in the innovative new Tango360(tm)
Experience from July 14-17, a tango festival and tango academic
conference rolled into one long weekend of tango exploration!
Week #1: TangoBootCamp(tm) with Luciana
Saturday 7/9
Boulder - Avalon Ballroom - 6185 Arapahoe
1:15-2:45pm Refining the Fundamentals (all levels)
3:00-4:30pm Musicality: Rhythmic Weight Changes to Die For (all levels)
Boulder - Pearl Street Studio, 2126 Pearl
6:30-9:30pm Making the Most of your Tango Practica (all levels)
INCLUDES 2-hour Guided Practica 7:30-9:30pm
Sunday 7/10
Denver - Mercury Cafe - 2199 California
1:15-2:45pm Twenty Ways to Walk Your Tango (all levels)
3:00-4:30pm Ochos, Pivots and Spirals (all levels)
4:30-5:00pm Practica (free for class participants)
All Classes $25 in advance, $30 at door
For advance payment by mail, print out this email and mark which
classes you want, then include a check to "DOTH LLC" and mail it to:
Dance of the Heart
775 Pleasant Street
Boulder, Colorado 80302
Pre-Registered 5-class pass $110
Among her worldwide circle of fans, Luciana is justly famous for
giving the most powerfully effective private tango lessons available
anywhere. Many world-touring professional tango dancers and teachers
never miss a chance to have Luciana give them a "once-over"!
Experience for yourself the incredible value-per-minute that these
top-of-the-line private lessons offer!
Contact us to be put on the scheduling list for private lessons with
Luciana by specifying your interest in one or more of the following
Friday July 8
Monday-Thursday July 11-14
Initially, we will be limiting her private lesson schedule to one
one-hour lesson per person, although couples can "pool" their
allotment to get two shared lessons. It's best to share the lesson
with a partner, even if only one person is paying for the whole lesson.
As more information is available, we'll contact you individually.
Updated registration information, including online payment by credit
card, is available at http://www.danceoftheheart.com. Please don't
hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.
Join us as we welcome back to Colorado one of our area's true tango
pioneers at the peak of her inspirational powers!
Deb Sclar and Brian Dunn
Dance of the Heart LLC
"Building a Better World, One Tango at a Time"
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