[Tango-A] NA-E: SUN. NYC MONICA PAZ Class/ Exhibition/Minis at ESMERALDA"S
Lucille Krasne
lukrasne at yahoo.com
Thu Jun 9 13:45:18 EDT 2011
At Session 73 and ESMERALDA¹S Tango and Tapas
Do not miss the special opportunity to experience the wisdom, generosity,
and purity of MONICA¹s teaching---and the unusual opportunity ESMERALDA²S
affords to experience a personal review of your dance in the mini-privates!
This SUNDAY JUNE 12! offering a 7:15 class, and a 10:15 demonstration,
joined by Steve Cook (home-grown wonder)their salon style is something to
aspire to!
MONICA is one of the most highly prized and loved of the many greats who
come to us from Argentina.
Annatina Luck DJ¹s for us! Not only a fine dancer/performer/teacher but a
super dj. And we say good-bye as she leaves for her home in BsAs on Monday
(we want her to return to us soon.)
Beginner class included in the $10 admission at 7:00.
Please add $5 for the special class with Monica.
Then look forward to JUNE 19 and Helena, La Vikinga for another incredible
experience: lessons & performance (with 2-count them-2 PartnersWalter
Perez and Leonardo Sardello!). (she will bring her collection of tango shoes
she designs and makes in Bs.As.) More soon.
On both nights the mini-private lessons (or longer if you wish) will be
offered in the Party Room during the milonga! The mini-privates are $25 for
15 minutes (or multiples of this if you wish more time)
For reservations call: 212 777 6053.
Hope to see you soon,
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