[Tango-A] NA-E: April 29- May 1, 2011 Tangogypsies 7th Annual Regional Argentine Tango Weekend in Asheville, NC
karen jaffe
kjsummit at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 28 15:02:27 EST 2011
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Tangogypsies presents
7th Annual Regional Argentine Tango Weekend
in Asheville , NC
at the beautiful Asheville Masonic Temple
80 Broadway, 28801
with Special Guest Instructors
Daniela Pucci & Luis Bianchi (Buenos Aires/NYC)
To watch Daniela and Luis dance :
Come join us for a relaxed weekend of classes, social dancing , practice and meeting old friends, making new friends! This event is focused on all levels of dancers, and typically draws dancers from all around the SE region and beyond!! This year, we have the wonderful addition of live music for the Sunday Brunch, with Asheville's very own Tango Orchestra.
Get a glimpse of what the Asheville Tango Orchestra is all about:
Special guest Djs –
Ben Bogart (Buenos Aires), Luis Bianchi (Buenos Aires/NYC) and Angel Montero (Atlanta)
Registration open! Visa/MC accepted March 1- April 20
Limited home hosting available , first come first served
Discounted rooms at 4 Points Sheritan- directly across the street from the venue
Limited occupancy- so book early! Up to 5 people can share!
$110 a night! http://www.starwoodmeeting.com/StarGroupsWeb/res?id=1102182083&key=5DDF0
15% off food at Olive or Twist all weekend with event name tag.
Argentine/Chilean wine specials by the glass and bottle
Schedule 2011
APRIL 29 Friday
8p to 9p: CLASS 1:all level: and Reaction w/ Daniela and Luis
9p to 1a Opening Milonga: DJ TBA
APRIL 30 Saturday
INT/ADV: w/Daniela and Luis
12p to 1:30p: CLASS 2: Technique for Circular Movements
2p to 3:30p: CLASS 3: Sacadas Everywhere
3:30p to 5p: SUP PRACTICA : all teachers
FUNDAMENTALS : w/Karen and Daniel
12:30 to 3:30p: CLASS 2B
APRIL 30 SAT Evening
8:30p to 9:30p: CLASS 4: all level:Back Factor: Keys for a Controlled and Powerful Walk
Elegant Milonga: 9:30p to 2am: DJ Luis Bianchi
snacks and beverages, including desserts, performances
MAY 1 Sunday
11a to 12:30p: CLASS 5* ADV : Unusual Changes of Direction
w/Daniela and Luis
* Separate fee, couples only
12:30p Brunch and practica until 4pm
live music w/ Asheville Tango Orchestra 12:30p to 1:30p,
then DJ Angel Montero
Privates available – call karen
Super Early Registration (Payments received before April 1)
Full Weekend Package* ONLY
Best value!! $120/per person
$65 student/scholorships **
Early registration (Payments received April 1 to April 20)
Full Weekend Package*
Great value!! $135/per person
$75 student/scholorships **
Ala Carte until April 20- schedule available on line- www.tangogypsies.com
Payment by check-
To: Tangogypsies
125 Saylestown Place
Fairview, NC 28730
or (March 1- April 20) Visa /MC email Karen - kjsummit at hotmail.com
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