[Tango-A] NA-E: Carolina Winograd Sings in BOSTON TONIGHT

ccdancer ccdancer at tangoluna.com
Wed Sep 29 00:10:04 EDT 2010

We have some breaking news.  There will be a guest performer at Tango Break Tonight (Wednesday) at Dance Union (16 Bow St, Union Sq, Somerville).   Carolina Winograd will electrify you with her lovely voice. So don't miss it. Her Bio is just below.

•Carolina Winograd, Argentine Tango Singer with Intense and Dramatic Voice 
•Dance to the live singing of Tangos, Milongas and Valses 
•Carolina is part of the new generation of Argentinean performers, bringing a distinctive new style to traditional Tango singing. 
•Carolina's unique performing style gave her broad recognition among Buenos Aires tangueros and she is welcomed at tango events around the world.  
•More about Carolina: www.carolinawinograd.com 

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