[Tango-A] NA-C: Milwaukee: Tango with Nina Tatarowicz Workshops

Nina Tatarowicz ninatanguera at gmail.com
Wed Sep 1 17:10:47 EDT 2010

For this and other listings about Tango Events please check out:
www.tangomango.org and look up your city!

Tango with NINA Workshops ×
Friday Sept 10 + Saturday Sept 11, 2010
Friday: 6:45p - 9p @ Casa di Danza
Saturday: 3:45p - 5:30p @ Bayshore Town Square

$20/1 Workshop or $35/ Both. $12 Student ID
BayShore Milonga = FREE Intro Lesson at 5:30 and FREE Milonga 6 - 9p

Casa di Danza and 
Bayshore Town Center (Town Square)

Casa di Danza: 21415 W. Greenfield Ave.
 New Berlin, WI 53146
Bayshore Town Center (Town Square)
 Silver Spring & Port Washington Road,
Glendale, Wisconsin 53217
Milwaukee, WI


FRIDAY Sept 10: 6:45 -- 8:15pm with Guided Practica to follow!
  Casa di
Danza: 21415 W. Greenfield Ave.
New Berlin, WI 53146

SATURDAY Sept 11: 3:45 -- 5:30pm 
Bayshore Town Center (Town Square)
Spring & Port Washington Road, Glendale, Wisconsin 53217

5:30pm: FREE Intro Lesson!

6 -- 9pm: MILONGA hosted by John Kosma with Guest DJ Nina Tatarowicz

Both Workshops are designed with a strong focus on technique for dancers who
have been dancing Argentine Tango regularly for at least 1 year*

*Beginners who are interested in studying with Nina can contact her
directly. If there is enough interest, she will add a beginner workshop from
2 -- 3:30pm on Saturday.

Private Lessons are also available by appointment from Thursday 9/9 --
Saturday 9/11.  Please contact Nina directly at ninatanguera at gmail.com to
schedule your time.

ninatanguera at gmail.com or 312-730-8873
Please pay with check or credit card prior to the event in order to make the
weekend run even more smoothly!

All this is made possible with the generous help of the Milwaukee Tango
community:  www.milwaukeetango.org

( * Nina Tatarowicz

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