[Tango-A] NA-W: Seattle- Master Marcos Questas y Ruta Maria Tango Workshop- November 5th-7th, 2010

Tony Fan TFan at studioms.com
Fri Oct 1 18:55:54 EDT 2010

* Seattle Tango Workshop with *
* Master Marcos Questas y     *
* Ruta Maria                  *
* November 5th-7th            *

Friday, November 5th 
Greenwood SA Center- 525 N 85th St 

A)   7:30PM-9:00PM  Tango: Switch Steps (All Levels)
-Mini "carpas" in all different & fun directions!

Saturday, November 6th
Dance Underground- 340 15th East, Capitol Hill 

B)  2:00PM-3:30PM  Tight Releases & Displacement Steps (Int. Level)
-Tight release from the left & right sides, implementing displacement
steps from both the leader & follower's perspective.

C)  4:00PM-5:30PM  Milonga & Rhythmic Variations (Int. Level)
-Milonga steps and the different milonga rhythmic variations!

Special Saturday night Dance with 
performance by Marcos y Ruta
DJ: Tony Fan

Sunday, November 7th 
Dance Underground- 340 15th East, Capitol Hill 

D)  2:30PM-4:00PM  Vals (Int./ Adv. Level)
-Cunitas and elegant vals steps without losing the tempo of the vals.

E)  4:30PM-6:00PM  Fun & Challenging Tango Steps (Int./ Adv. Level)
-Fun & challenging materials applicable for when most of the early crowd
has gone home!

Workshop Website

Workshop Fee
$25   per workshop per person.
$60   package of 3 workshops per person.
$20   per workshop if registered for 4 workshops or more per person.
$100  For all workshops per person
$10   Special Saturday night dance with 
         Performance by Marcos y Ruta
         DJ: Tony Fan
Info & Registration
Tony Fan & Ilana Rubin
   seattletango at hotmail.com

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