[Tango-A] NA:E-June 12 and 13, 2010 Workshops with Claudio & Diana and Viviana & Isidoro & El Besito Milonga
Tango Dancers
tangodancers at comcast.net
Wed May 26 17:08:47 EDT 2010
We're having Claudio & Diana return to South Jersey for the third time
and Viviana and Isidoro will be join us for a fun-filled weekend of
intensive workshops and a milonga full of surprises!
For those of you who are not familiar with Claudio and Diana and
Viviana and Isidoro can find them on youtube if you follow the links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m6VY9eEjX40&feature=related
and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aCfDw3IY3Zo.
All four instructors are sweet, fun and easy to approach.
Claudio & Diana are the creators of the New Tango School and the show
ContraTango. See their website www.newtangoschool.com They have
produced videos and will be available for purchase at the workshops.
Diana & Claudio travel around the world teaching and sharing great
moments with their students.
Viviana and Isidoro are the hosts of one of the longest running
milongas in Washington DC and have taught Tango in Washington DC,
nationally and internationally. They were the original couple that
started Argen-Tango™ Dance Company in 1999. See their website www.vivianatango.com
All workshops will be limited to 30 people. Please inquire about
discounts for full time students.
The workshops will be followed by El Besito milonga where we are
planning to celebrate Claudio's, Isidoro and Guillermo's birthdays. We
will have a dance performance by Claudio, Diana, Viviana and Isidoro
plus more surprises.
Register On Line Now!
Saturday: June 12
11am-12:25pm Movements for fusion between traditional and New Tango-
Claudio & Diana
12:30-1:55pm Milonga-Milonga-Viviana & Isidoro
2:00-3:30pm Elastic Moves-Claudio & Diana
Location: Grace Episcopal Church (Located Close to the Cherry Hill Mall)
7 East Maple Avenue
Merchantville, NJ 08109-5096 (Parking on Park
Avenue at Verizon Lot or street) Please don't park on church lot
Sunday: June 13
11am-12:25pm Turns and More Turns-Claudio & Diana
12;30-1:55pm Change of Direction-Viviana & Isidoro
2:00-3:30pm Spirals how to use them in Voleos and Secadas-Claudio &
Call for student pricing
Early Pricing-Before May 31
Intensive $116.00
6 Classes & Milonga
Package of 6 classes $105.00
Package of 4 classes $75,00
Package of 2 classes $50.00
Single class $30.00
Milonga-Live Music Jorge (Chocho) on Bandoneon $12.00
8:30pm-12:30am-El Besito Milonga with Live Music by Jorge “Chocho”,
the Director of Orchestra Tipica Criolla, and first bandoneon player
at Esquina de Carlos Gardel show in Buenos Aires,
www.tipicacriolla.com.ar We will also have a triple birthday bash for
Claudio, Isidoro and Guillermo. Please join us for the celebration.
Performance by Claudio & Diana and Viviana and Isidoro
DJ: Stanley Votruba
After May 31
Intensive $165.00
6 Classes & Milonga
Package of 6 classes $150.00
Package of 4 classes $100,00
Package of 2 classes $55.00
Single class $30.00
Milonga-Live Music Jorge (Chocho) $15.00
www.argentangodancers.com (856)751-2770
or (856) 577-6145 tangodancers at comcast.net
Performance by Claudio & Diana and Viviana and Isidoro
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