[Tango-A] NA-C: Ney Melo & Jennifer Bratt Workshop in Memphis, TN - March 5-7, 2010
Octavia Perryman Ashby
okperryman at bellsouth.net
Tue Jan 26 23:56:46 EST 2010
Argentine Tango Workshop
Ney Melo & Jennifer Bratt
Ney Melo and Jennifer Bratt dance an elegant style of social tango which is
rooted in the traditions of the neighborhood of Villa Urquiza in Buenos
Aires. Their dance is defined by a smooth and graceful walk, a powerful
sense of musicality, subtle steps entwined with intricate embellishments,
and an intimate embrace. Their passion and respect for tango, its culture,
and its music is clearly evidenced in their emotional dancing, as well as in
their teaching.
Friday, March 5, 2010
Held at Margaret Sacks home, Memphis, TN
8:00 – 9:30pm The Musicality of Tango, both dramatic & rhythmic $25
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Workshop at Fred Astaire Dance Studio, 6645 Poplar Ave. (Carrefour Mall)
Suite #206, Memphis, TN
1:00 – 2:30pm Paradas/Cruzadas $25
3:00 – 4:30pm Ocho cortado variations $25
9:00pm – 12:00am Milonga at TBA (Free for weekend participants, Others: $10)
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Workshop at Fred Astaire Dance Studio, 6645 Poplar Ave. (Carrefour Mall)
Suite #206, Memphis, TN
1:00 – 2:30pm Technique for perfect turns $25
3:00 – 4:30pm Very Argentine steps from the milongas of Buenos Aires $25
Privates available. Contact M. Sacks to arrange 901-761-2318 /email MATS:
memphistango at hotmail.com
Make checks to: Memphis Argentine Tango Society (MATS) c/o Danielle "Shing"
377 Riverbluff #1, Memphis, TN 38103.
Early bird whole weekend package: All events Fri., Sat., & Sun. - $115
(Early bird deadline: payment postmarked by Feb. 20th)
Student rate: $15 per class (Must show valid ID)
Workshop presented by Memphis Argentine Tango Society www.memphistango.org
*Participants should wear leather soled shoes or non-gripping shoe.
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