[Tango-A] NA-C: Esquina Tango Austin's Javier Rochwarger Milonga & Tango Workshop

MoniTangoTeam info at monitango.com
Wed Feb 24 14:41:39 EST 2010

Esquina Tango Austin presents: Javier Rochwarger
Milonga & Tango Workshop: 4th Annual Texas Tango Tour
Early bird till February 28th!!!

Workshop Schedule 
Friday, March 5th
7:45-9pm Embrace Argentine Tango (Beginner + All Levels) - Class #1
No experience needed for this class!! Two left feet? Bring them on!
*Friday class only located at Dance Institute, 6612 Sitio Del Rio Boulevard.

Milonga Lo de Laura to follow! (milonga door to be paid separately)

Sunday, March 7th
2:00-3:15pm Milonga Time: Technique & Music (All Levels) - Class #2
3:30-4:45pm Get them boleos & sacadas! (Pre-Intermediate / Intermediate) -
Class #3

Monday, March 8th
6:30-7:45pm Milonga Time: delightful sequences (Intermediate) - Class #4
8:00-9:15pm Changing the Embrace to add intricate & fun figures
(Int./Advance) - Class #5

Privates classes from Thursday March 4th: Contact EsquinaTango to schedule.
Rates per person:
Until February 28th
Esquina Members: $20 each class - $90 for all 5 classes (Best Deal) - $75 x
4 - $55 x 3 - $35 x 2
Non Members: $25 each class - $115 all 5 classes (Best Deal) - $95 x 4 - $70
x 3 - $45 x2
*registration needs to be postmarked by date above to receive early bird

After February 28th
Esquina Members: $25 each class - $115 for all 5 classes (Best Deal)  - $95
x 4 - $70 x 3 - $45 x 2
Non Members: $30 each class -  $140 for all  5 classes (Best Deal) - $115 x
4 - $85 x 3  - $55 x 2

Payment: by check ____  cash ____ (mail check with your name, e-mail/phone &
classes to be taken  to Esquina Tango)
Credit card accepted (over the phone only) $2 handling charge will be added
to credit card processing fees.

Note: Please one registration form per person, all registrants, whether
partial or full, should participate in
classes appropriate for their level. No partner needed for any class!

Location: Esquina Tango, 209 Pedernales St. (All classes except Friday

Info: 512/524-2772 info at esquinatangoaustin.com

About Javier: Of Argentina, Javier is a warmly intense and generous talent
belonging to Buenos Aires' newer generation of tango dancers. Grounded,
sensual, and musical expression emanates from Javier's dancing and is
reflected in the faces of his partners on the dance floor. Javier has
performed regularly at such renowned tango venues as Cafe Tortoni and Bar
Sur as well as one of tango's historical sites - Caminito (La Boca). In the
past four years he has traveled throughout the U.S. and in Japan and Spain
to teach classes, founding a milonga and starting tango activity in Seville.
He has also had a full teaching schedule at home in Buenos Aires, including
classes with the Grupo Graciela Gonzalez, for the Festival de Tango de la
Ciudad Buenos Aires in the San Martin Theater and at the University of
Quilmes. This fall he has been teaching with Cristina Cortes at the Escuela
Argentina de Tango.
Javier's fluid and intimate style of dancing defies easy classification. He
seamlessly integrates a variety of influences, making his insights valuable
whether you consider yourself a devotee of milonguero style or a nuevo tango
renegade. When he began dancing over 12 years ago, Tete was one of his most
influential teachers. Javier's drive to further understand the mechanisms
and technique of the dance led him to Graciela Gonzalez, with whom he has
studied extensively.
Watch carefully and you can pick up the influence of Tete's style in
Javier's embrace - a touch of sweetness and light that somehow blends
perfectly with the melancholy soul of tango - and of Graciela's genius in
Javier's teaching - a practical understanding of how the body moves and how
to communicate complex concepts to students of all levels.
As one who has come the long road from novice to professional, Javier has a
unique and compassionate perspective. His students praise him for the
exceptional personal attention that he provides even in group classes, and
for his patience, his practical approach, and his warm sense of humor. 

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