[Tango-A] Alicia Pons workshops in Chicago, February 19 and 20th, 2011
chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Tue Dec 14 16:26:34 EST 2010
Alicia Pons workshops in Chicago, February 19 and 20th, 2011
Alicia Pons will be returning back to Chicago for the first time since her participation in the Chicago Mini Tango Festival. She will be in Chicago from February 17-24, 2011 with a weekend of workshops on February 19 and 20th.
We have structured the classes for the intermediate and advanced dancer. There will be limited enrollment. You can sign up with a partner or as individual if you take the full 6 class package which includes the special milonga on Saturday evening, or purchase a full day pass. We will attempt to gender balance the enrollment so that you can find a partner during the workshops. People that sign up for an individual class will need to sign up with a partner. She will also be available for privates during his stay.
Alicia Pons is an elegant and accomplished dancer with a refined technique and distinctive personality. Her ability to imbue the role of the woman with verve and style has made her one of the most sought after female partners in the milongas of Buenos Aires. And, she wows her tango partners here in the US when she visits. She is most noted for her footwork and sensual seduction, which are done with humor and decorum. She exemplifies presence in the dance, and this is a focus in her teaching for both men and women.
As a teacher, Alicia emphasizes the connection with one's partner, and in particular the woman's ability to not just follow, but to be an equal protagonist in the dance. She is a very warm and caring person who loves to share her knowledge.
Here is a link to a recent performance at the 2010 Milongueando Festival (www.milongueandoenba.com) in Buenos Aires: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjHuOYntoaoI and from the 2008 Chicago Mini Tango Festival: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zFOvL5sjZko
Saturday, February 19, 2011
12:00-1:30pm A: BODY LANGUAGE. Get your body ready to dance. Relax, weight and balance changes: invite your partner to dance through your body. The concept of "column": your column, your partner's column.
2:00-3:30pm B: Crossing - Going to this signature step in tango from a walk or in place with greater body control. Turning the Corkscrew: Sinuous tight rotations on your axis for crowded dance floors.
4:00-5:30 C: The Seductive conversation - Leading pauses for creativity of the woman; stop step - creative variations when
the line of dance stops. Adding combinations! Ochos with pivots
in milonguero style; voleos and sacadas.
Sunday, February 20, 2011
12-1:30 D : Putting all together:
Rhythms of Tango - Use of rhythms (bounce-back or rebote)
from tango to milonga.
2:00-3:30 E: Movement. How we produce and transmit movement.
Flow of energy between dancing partners, and between dancing
partners and the dance floor. Movement as a journey.
4:00-5:30 F: Tools for creativity in Tango - Stops and
INFORMATION: To register for the festival or to obtain more information go regarding the workshops, please go to:http://chicagotangofestival.com/AliciaPonsWS . Alicia Pons will be available for private lessons during her stay in Chicago. If you have any question concerning the workshops, the Milonga, or have an interest in a private lesson, please email Ray Barbosa at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com or call at708-955-6040. SEE YOU THERE!!!!
P.S. The 2011 Chicago Mini Tango Festival will be held from April 14-17th, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency O'Hare (https://resweb.passkey.com/go/MILO ). We plan to have another lineup of excellent instructors including Maria Plazola, Blas Clemente Catrenau, Enriqueta Kleinman, Ricardo Viqueira, Gustavo Benzecry, and Maria Olivera. For more details go to: www.chicagotangofestival.com
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