[Tango-A] NA-W: Sept 17-19 Workshop with Pampa Cortes - Seattle at Sonny's
Nancy Newman
javamama1 at comcast.net
Sun Aug 29 23:30:14 EDT 2010
Workshop with Pampa Cortes - Sept 17-19
Fri, Sept. 17th
7:30p Vals Cruzado (All levels)
9:00p Evening Milonga with live music of Tangabrazo (www.tangabrazo.com) (Cover $12) includes Exhibition w/Pampa & Gigi
Sat, Sept. 18th (at Sonny & Nancy Newman's home 4227 4th Avenue NW, Seattle 98107)
1p Balance Improvement Workshop (All levels)
2p Musicality Workshop (Int./Adv.)
4p Milonga Lisa (Beg./Int.)
6p Chamuyo w/the Maestro (All levels) free for those attending any Saturday workshop or $10 drop in) A chat with Pampa regarding his views on the difference of social music and stage music. Coffee, tea & dessert provided. Bring something to share if you’d like.
Sun, Sept. 19th (held at Sonny Newman’s Dance Hall)
2:30p Changes in Direction for Navigating at the Milonga (Beg./Int.)
4:00p Using Pauses to Give the Woman the Opportunity to Shine: Making & Accepting the Invitation (Int./Adv.)
7:30pPractica (Cover $5)
One class - $25; Two or more classes $20 each (Sat. balance w/s $15; Chamuyo $10 or free w/Sat. w/s); Register at time of class (cash or check only)
Private lessons with Pampa are available upon request.
more details on website
Sonny Newman 206-784-3010
sonnynewman at tangoseattle.com
Sonny Newman's Dance Hall
hosted by Sonny Newman; Pampa Cortes w/Gigi Jensen assisting, courtesy of Tango & More Argentine Dance
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