[Tango-A] Alberto Dassieu in Chicago Sep. 2-9, early bird discount ends August 30th
chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 27 10:10:15 EDT 2010
Alberto Dassieu will be returning back to Chicago for the first time since his participation in this year’s Chicago Mini Tango Festival. He will be in Chicago from September 2-9 with a weekend of workshops on September 4 and 5th. Early bird discount for the workshops end August 30th.
Alberto will be performing with Chicago's Anna Karassik at the special milonga the evening of September 4th. The milonga is included in the pricing for those individuals who purchase the entire workshop package. He will also be available for privates during his stay.
Here is a link to a recent performance at the 2010 Milongueando Festival in Buenos Aires: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZf-yqKW_qI and from the 2010 Chicago Mini Tango Festival: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lNvnHn09ryA&feature=player_embedded
Alberto Dassieu, born in 1937 in a neighborhood of Buenos Aires known for its Tango dancers and singers, was exposed to Tango music and some of the best dancers at an early age. He has been dancing since he was 14 and has
shared the dance floor with some of Argentina's most renown dancers, who at the time would compete to show off their style and elegance. His inspiration has come from dancers such as Gerardo Portalea, Pepe Dafonte (el pibe del Oeste), Virulazo, Copes and Miguel Angel Zotto. Alberto has a special affinity for D'Arienzo and Pugliese,and uses their music to teach musically and rhythm.
Alberto has many dance credits to his name. He has taught at the Casa de Cultura de Ramos Mejia, participated in the filming of Evita, worked on the National Geographic documentary about Tango with Robert Duvall and a Tango
documentary made by Gustavo Benzecry Sabá. He was a finalist in the Metropolitan Tango Salon championship, and choreographed for the very successful Tango show called Milonguísimo at Confitería la Ideal.
Currently, Alberto is dedicated to teaching, performing and sharing his passion for Tango Salon and Vals to dancers from around the world, at home and abroad.
In the words of Alberto, My Tango is Salon style. My style of dancing is elegant, subtle, with rhythm and poetry. For more information, visitwww.albertodassieu.com.ar
To see some videos of Alberto's exhibitions, go to:
Alberto Dassieu, September 4 and 5th WORKSHOPS
All Classes and milonga at Dance Connection, 3117 N. Clybourn, Chicago, Illinois. Information: chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com (708) 955-6040
Saturday, September 4, 2010
12:00-1:30 A: Dancing to D’Arienzo of the 30’s (intermediate & up) Alberto’s unique interpretation of dancing to D’arienzo of the 30’s
2:00-3:30 B: Musicality (intermediate & up) How to use the pauses in the music. Using the melody and the pauses to transmit your feelings.
4:00-5:30 C: Vals I (intermediate & up) Velocity and how to play with timing
Sunday, September 5, 2010
12:00-1:30 D : Tango con Sentimento (intermediate &up) Dancing tango with emotion
2-3:30 E: Vals II (advanced) Alberto’s unique interpretation in turns and more
4:00-5:30 F: How to dance to Pugliese (advanced)
MILONGA, SATURDAY, September 4th, 10PM-2AM
Entire package: 6 classes and Saturday milonga $140.00
Full time student: 6 classes and Saturday milonga $100.00
Saturday or Sunday classes $ 75.00
Full time student: Saturday or Sunday classes $ 50.00
Individual classes $ 30.00; Full time student $20.00
Milonga only (no discount) $15.00
Early Registration Discount 10% (for classes) through August 30, 2010
INFORMATION To get a flyer of the workshops, please go to: http://chicagotangofestival.com/DassieuWS. Alberto Dassieu will be available for private lessons during his stay in Chicago. If you have any question concerning the workshops, the Milonga, or have an interest in a private lesson, please email Ray Barbosa at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com or call at 708-955-6040. SEE YOU THERE!!!!
P.S. The 2011 Chicago Mini Tango Festival will be held from April 14-17th, 2011. For more information go to www.chicagotangofestival.com. We plan to have another lineup of excellent instructors and djs at the Festival.
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