[Tango-A] NA-E: Tango de los Muertos Milonga Registration Deadline and News

Tova Moreno tovamoreno at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 20 08:46:31 EDT 2009

The final Tango de los Muertos is coming up so quickly! We can already tell that it's going to be as exciting, colorful, and delightful as before! Are you ready? There's a lot we want to tell you about, from the milonga registration deadline to new workshops, to updates on the hotels, lectures and costumes, so please read on!

Getting into the Milongas: Pre-register or Pay at the Door?

Pre-registration for Tango de los Muertos milongas closes on October 22nd. We know many dancers who are planning to come haven't registered yet, and at least in regards to milonga attendance, we're a bit worried about that! We don't want to turn anyone away at the door, but we also don't want the festival to be too much bigger than last year. If you haven't registered and want to ensure that you get into the milongas, please do so in the next two days before pre-registration closes. By registering now, you will not only help with our planning but you'll also be guaranteeing your own spot and short-circuiting the ticket line each night.

And don't forget that if you want to purchase a Dance Pass for discounted entry to all the milongas, you can ONLY do that during pre-registration. At the door, we will only accept cash or check for individual events. Register here: http://www.tangodelosmuertos.com/register.html

New: Chacarera and Malambo workshops, and the Beginning Tango Immersion Adventure Intensive

The MIT Tango Club and Springstep are hosting workshops to complement Tango de los Muertos festival offerings. These workshops are not officially part of Tango de los Muertos, but we fully support them and we encourage you to go!

The non-profit organization Springstep -- the site of Tango de los Muertos -- is hosting two Argentine Folkloric workshops taught by Pampa Cortes of Forever Tango. The workshops, on malambo and chacarera, will take place Thursday night before the festival's opening night milonga. There will likely be a couple of chacareras played during TdlM, so take these workshops to learn how to join in! Go to Springstep's website for more info and to register: http://www.springstep.org/?q=programs/moredanceandmusic/argentine_folkloric_dance

The MIT Tango Club hosts the Beginning Tango Immersion Adventure Intensive, with instructors Mitra Martin and Stefan Fabry from Los Angeles and Rebecca Rorick Smith and Eric Lindgren from Portland, Oregon. If you've been wanting to refine your basics or have friends who want to learn tango, we invite you all to come learn from four creative, energetic, and inspiring teachers. At the door prices will be higher than pre-registration prices, so register by October 28th. Go here for more info and to register: http://www.tangodelosmuertos.com/MITbeginning.html

Lectures, Guided Stretching, and the Tango Jam: Open to All

The Tango Jam and guided stretching are free and open to all festival attendees, and now Tomas and Shorey's lectures are open to all attendees as well, although Full Festival Pass holders will have priority if space becomes an issue. To attend the lectures, just show up! We welcome you to bring a blanket to sit on and your own picnic dinner to munch on while you're entertained by stories of tango's origins and of how to be an inspired DJ. (Festival Pass holders, if you want to stop by earlier in the day with your blanket, when we set up the lecture we will roll out your blanket and choose a prime location for you!) More information on the TdlM Schedule page: http://www.tangodelosmuertos.com/schedule.html#events

Lodging: Are you Set?

The cut-off date to get the festival rate at the Hyatt Place and other hotels is now finished, so we hope you've already secured your lodgings! If not, go to the Forum page of the website <http://www.tangodelosmuertos.com/forum.html> to post a request to share a hotel room or for local housing. Or, try Priceline: http://www.priceline.com/

Costumes: Choose your Own Adventure

The playful spirit of the festival, as shown in the costume themes, is what makes this festival unique. But that doesn't mean you have to come in costume!! The last thing we want is for you to stress out about getting all creative. If you enjoy getting all dressed up (or down? or all around?), then do it. And if not, just come in your normal clothes! We estimate that about 50% of the attendees come in costume, so you should feel really free to choose which group you want to join each night.

If you do plan to wear costumes, please go to the Milonga Info page of the TdlM website <http://www.tangodelosmuertos.com/milongas.html> to read each night's Theme as well as important Costume Cautions. One note I want to highlight is our request that for Friday's Energy Milonga you don't wear flashing lights since they may interfere with other dancers tango trances. Thanks!

We'll see you next week in Boston for the last Tango de los Muertos, October 29th - November 1st.

Tova & Carlos


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