[Tango-A] NA-C: Enriqueta Kleinman workshops in Chicago on October 2, 6 and 7th

chicagomilonguero chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Fri Oct 2 02:56:50 EDT 2009

Enriqueta Kleinman workshops in Chicago on October  2, 6 and 7th

Enriqueta Kleinman from Buenos Aires, Argentina will be once again be in Chicago from October 1-11, 2009.  Enriqueta will do a  limited number of group workshops during her stay: October 2, October 6, and October 7.  She will also be available for private lessons during her stay.

Enriqueta Kleinman is an artist by profession. She is a teacher and dancer of tango “Milonguero Style”, and also a singer of tango music.  She is a remarkable painter and a teacher.  In tango, Enriqueta has had different teachers that have left indelible tracks on her including Masters of tango such as: Carlos Gavito, Roberto “Pocho” Carreras, Nely Fernando, Ana Maria Shapira, and Susana Miller, among the most relevant.  It was with Susana Miller that Enriqueta “learned how to teach”. She studied and researched their styles simmering the concepts and teaching principles into her own. With time and by teaching other disciplines, Enriqueta developed her own pedagogical method.

 With a solid foundation in technique and musicality, Enriqueta gives classes to men and women of tango, waltz and milonga.  She puts the accent in the structure that makes it possible that one’s expression appears and develops. Enriqueta travels endlessly and has taught in many cities of the United States and Canada: Chicago, Seattle, Portland, Ann Arbor, Tucson, Iowa City, San Francisco, San Diego, Toronto, Edmonton, Calgary, etc. She has also participated in the following tango festivals: May Madness (Ann Arbor), Valentango (Portland), Tucson Tango Festival, and the Chicago Mini Tango Festival..

Enriqueta is the owner of a charismatic personality.  She transmits her passion to her students and motivates them to dance “what they feel in their soul and put it into their body”.  She is beloved and respected by her students. She establishes strong principles and she generates a climate of intense but pleasant and amusing work. 


Prior to Los Besos Milonguita
Location:  Barba Yianni Restaurant
4761 N. Lincoln, Chicago	
 Milonga (all levels). Concept of compas in the milonga. Milonga lisa (smooth), following the music. Square figures. Figures that can be used in sequences.  	

Prior to Milonga Negra
Location:  Ritz Tango Café
933 N. Ashland
Chicago, Il
Technique for woman and man-working together. (Intermediate/advance)   How to communicate and how to respond. Encourage leading and encourage following. Interaction in communication. Men: walk like an elephant with catlike movement. Women: beautiful use of his legs. Softness, sweetness and power.		
Milonga con Traspie. (intermediate/advance). Concept; dancing at 1/2 time. Concept of 1/2 time.  Traspie as step.  

Prior to Tango Reaction Milonga
Location:  Barba Yianni Restaurant
4761 N. Lincoln
Waltz. (Intermediate/advance)
Concept of circular music.  Turns in waltz. Rotated figures.	

Individual classes: 	$25.00
Two or more classes.$20.00 each
Individual classes, Full time Students (w/id) $20.00 
Two or more classes, Full time Students (w/id) $15.00 each

For information and to register contact Ray Barbosa at chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com  or (708)955-6040 or go to www.chicagotangofestival.com/EnriquetaWS

Private Lessons:  Enriqueta will be available from Thursday, October 1,  to Sunday, October 11 for private lessons.  Lessons are $90/hr-single or couple.

To learn more about Enriqueta go to her tango website: www.enriquetak.com, or her painting website: www.enriquetakleinman.com.ar.  

You can watch some of Enriqueta’s performances at: 

Tuesday, October 6, 2009, 9:30 pm – 12:00 am
Milonga Negra with special singing performance by
Enriqueta Kleinman at Ritz Tango Café, 933 N. Ashland, Chicago
***Bring your own liquor if you wish***

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