[Tango-A] NA-C: Claudio Villagra and Romina Levin will dance at weekly milongas prior to weekend classes in Chicago, March 3-10

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 2 16:05:18 EST 2009

Claudio Villagra and Romina Levin, Forever Tango stars, former partners of Guillermina Quiroga and Miguel “Angel” Zotto respectively, arrive this evening. They plan to attend Chicago milongas March 3-6: Tuesday (Milonga Negra at the Ritz Tango Cafe, 933 N Ashland Ave), Wednesday (Tango Reaction at Barba Yianni, 4761 N Lincoln Ave), Thursday (Milonga Loca at Parthenon Restaurant, 314 S Halsted St) and Friday (Los Besos milonguita at Barba Yianni, 4761 N Lincoln Ave). They will teach a pre-milonga class on Friday, March 6 - "Figures and Sequences for the Salon" - at 8:45 p ($15 separate cost from milonga gives you a $3 discount for milongaentry).

Claudio and Romina will be available for private lessons during their stay in Chicago, from March 3rd thru March 10th. 

A pdf flyer of their complete schedule of classes and workshops March 6-9, with a registration form, is available either through ChicagoTango yahoo groups (http://groups.yahoo.com/ group/chicagotango/ files/ claudia%20and% 20romina% 20march%204- 10%2C%202009. pdf  (you need to be a member of ChicagoTango Yahoo Group to view this file)) or at www.TangoNoticias. com by clicking on the banner ad at the top of the page. Of course, you can contact me anytime.

Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited
312-60TANGO (312-608-2646) cell - text msgs welcome
WindyCityTango@ yahoo.com (for tango business messages)
TangoLadyChicago@ yahoo.com (for immediate communication)
Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango

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