chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 16 15:22:12 EDT 2009
We thank everyone that came out this year to the Chicago Mini Tango Festival that included Ruben Harymbat, Enriqueta Kleinman, Gustavo Benzecry, Maria Olivera, Ramiro Gigliotti, Elina Roldan, Oscar Casas, Vijay Namasivaym, Ko Tanaka, Ilene Marder, Paul Akmajian and Oleh Kovalchuke.
We are delighted to announce that our 5th Annual Chicago Mini Tango Festival will be held from April 8 to 11, 2010. More details regarding the 2010 Chicago Mini Tango Festival will be forthcoming but we are sure that we will have another group of wonderful instructors and djs at the festival.
We were finally able to upload onto our website (www.chicagotangofestival.com) videos and pictures of the 2009 Festival. The videos can be found at the following link:
The pictures from the Festival can be found at the following three links:
Please let your friends know if they would like to receive updated information they can subscribe to our mailing list by sending an email to Ray Barbosa at info at chicagotangofestival.com or have them subscribe to the Chicago Tango Festival yahoo website at ChicagoTangoFestival-Subscribe at yahoogroups.com .
In the alternative they can join the Chicago Mini Tango Festival facebook site to get updated information by searching for the site or by going to the following link:
We hope to see you again in April 2010.
Thank you
Ray Barbosa, Chicago Milonguero, Ltd.
Marco Mambelli, University of Chicago Tango Club
P.S. Oscar and Mary Ann Casas are in Chicago for the next week and will give workshops this Saturday, July 18 and Sunday, July 19th. Please also join us for the University of Chicago Tango Club Milonga, Saturday evening, July 18th from 9pm-1am. Oscar and Mary Ann Casas will do a performance during the milonga. For more information on the workshops on July 18 and 19th go to www.chicagotangofestival.com/CasasWS . Oscar and Mary Ann will also be doing a special “milonga” workshop next Tuesday, July 21st at Milonga Negra from 8:00pm to 9:30pm. Milonga Negra is held at Ritz Tango Café, 933 N. Ashland, Chicago, Il. For more info contact Ray Barbosa at either chicagomilonguero at yahoo.com or 708-955-6040.
P.S.S. Maria Olivera and Gustavo Benzecry will be returning to Chicago from October 29 to November 5th. Stay tune for more details concerning their workshops.
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