[Tango-A] NA-E: NYC's Bloody Enthusiastic Milonga!

Lucille Krasne lukrasne at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 2 20:31:25 EDT 2009

Hope this is a grand, sparkly weekend & that you finish it by....
joining this solidly wonderful bunch of dancers as they...............
...........DANCE 8 ŒTIL LATE!  (12:30 or until the vacas come home!)
the day after Our Big Birthday Party!
Jürgen Pichler (native of Austria, making his home in Chicago) is guest
teacher/DJ with an Inter. Class in milonga lisa and traspie, basics w/room
for more challenges. (emphasizing musicality, embrace, milonga ocho,
posture, technique). See notes below on Juergen¹s interesting bio.

Beginner class ‹with Evelyn Meier
Both Classes at 7:00
$10 Admission includes classes.
Session 73 continues its offer of a complimentary drink
with an order of tapas in the café or outdoors Œtil 8:30.

Look forward to seeing you at my jolly milonga!
 Lucille Krasne  212 777 6053
 ³Esmeralda¹s TANGO AND TAPAS²
 Session 73,  73rd and 1st Av, SW corner
 Session 73: 212 517 4445

About our guest:
Jürgen has been dancing for over 25 years starting with a classical ballet
education in Vienna, and has enjoyed engagements with the Chicago Lyric
Opera as soloist as well as a variety of contemporary dance companies.,
studying jazz, folk, etc as well.
In Vienna, Jürgen organizied the two largest milongas in Vienna (TangoBar
and Galeria-Ideal), also took the tango outdoors, now in the 7th year.
He discovered Argentine tango in a visit to New York City!!! Really getting
around, he has been invited to teach tango in cities as far as in Ukraine
and Russia.

Jürgen credits Alicia Cruzado, our own great Argentine transplant to our
fair city, as the most powerful influence in his development.

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