[Tango-A] NA-C, NA-E, NA-W, SA: Vivian "Bibi" Wong Memorial Event and Milonga

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 22 09:48:51 EST 2009

Vivian"Bibi" Wong Memorial Event and Milonga

Our beloved Bibi passed away on January 15, 2009 peacefully at her home in Chicago.  She had fought breast cancer for 22 years with courage, humor and grace.

Please join Bibi's family and friends for the Vivian "Bibi" Wong Memorial Event and Milonga on Monday, January 26, 2009. The event will be held at Mariposa at 4001 N. Ravenswood, Chicago, 5th Floor, commencing at 7:30 p.m. There will be a moment of silence at 9:00 p.m. Afterwards, we invite you to join us for tango dancing in her honor until 11:30 p.m. 

The first portion of the evening will be devoted to greeting Bibi's family, offering condolences, and sharing remembrances of Bibi.  There will be an opportunity to leave written expressions of sympathy at the event.  Also, if you'd like to sign an online guestbook, share photos, or record an audio message, that would be much appreciated. To do so, please go to www.legacy.com, type Vivian Wong into the search box, click on "Guestbook" in the search results, then choose the appropriate option.

If you enjoy taking photos/videos, we'd also appreciate your bringing a camera to help document this evening for family and friends.  The above website will be used to store all of the written comments, photographs and video.

Mariposa's customary assortment of sweets and savories, and non-alcoholic beverages will be provided (BYOB). Wealso welcome you to bring a special treat for sharing.  

At the event, information will be provided for those who wish to make a charitable contribution in memory of Bibi to Gilda's Club Chicago, which provided Bibi with so much support over the years.  

Finally, it would be helpful for us to know how many people plan to attend.  If possible, please send an RSVP to bibiwongmemorial at gmail.com. Of course, please feel free to join us even if you are unable to respond in advance.

For additional information, please contact Michael Golde at BibiWongMemorial at gmail.com or at 312-523-9335.

Forwarded to MIT-A by:
Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited
312-60TANGO (312-608-2646) cell - text msgs OK
WindyCityTango@ yahoo.com (for tango business messages)
TangoLadyChicago@ yahoo.com (for immediate communication)
Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango    

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