[Tango-A] NA-E: Workshops with Raul Cabral in Boston, Sat Feb 7

Adriana Pinto adrimp1 at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 1 18:56:52 EST 2009

HavetoTango is proud to sponsor Raul Cabral, renowned milonguero from Buenos Aires!

February 7, 2007 (Saturday)
12:00 to 1:30pm - The Fundamentals that will Improve your Dance (beg/interm)
1:45 to 3:15pm - Turns in Tango (intermediate)
3:30 to 5pm - The milonguero’s Milonga Lisa and Traspie (interm/adv)

All workshops will take place at Union Dance, 16 Bow Street, Union Square, 
Somerville, MA

Cost: $25 (any 1 lesson) $45 (any 2) $65 (all 3) - Students ($5 OFF/workshop)
To register in advance, please send a check payable to Adriana Pinto 
(30 Quarry Drive, Rochester, NH, 03867). 

Advanced registration is highly encouraged, since space is limited. Also, please let us know if you are taking the workshops with a partner, and what your role is (leader or follower). We will do our best for the workshops to be gender/role balanced.

Please go to www.raultangocabral.com.ar, and click on Workshops, for more information / description of the workshops. Or contact Adriana Pinto at 
(617) 816-1967.

To register, cut this portion out and send it with your payment 

Name: ______________________________ Phone # ______________

What workshops are you taking?   (please, check)
W1  (  )
W2  (  )
W3  (  )

I will be:
A leader:  (  )                    A follower:  (  )

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your lesson(s) to allow for registration.


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