[Tango-A] NA-C: What do women really want? Dragon Slayer Seminar 9/17 & 18

Helaine Treitman htreitman at gmail.com
Tue Aug 11 16:10:40 EDT 2009

Dear Tanguero,

-  Do you often find yourself thinking at milongas, "I wish I could
dance better tango, so more women would really want to dance with
- Are you fed up with some women’s declining your invitation to dance?
-  Do you wish you knew for sure what delights women on the dance
floor, and what doesn’t?
-  Would you like to take your tango to a much higher level in record time?
-  Would it make you happy to know deep down that at least a dozen
tangueras are secretly waiting for your arrival at every milonga,
hoping they’ll dance with you tonight?

Don't wait another moment to start fulfilling your tango potential!

Register now for:

Helaine Treitman's

Dragon Slayer Seminar For Tangueros , featuring:

THE TANGUEROS' 14 DEADLY ERRORS  (Are you curious?)

How to identify your "dragons" and slay them in record time
and have dozens of beautiful tangueras "lining up" to dance with you
at every milonga!

Thursday & Friday, September 17 & 18, 2009
at Meet in the Middle Festival

Details and registration information at: http://tiny.cc/slaythedragonsMO
(Super special prices for Meet in the Middle guests, if you
pre-register by September 1.)

In a friendly and relaxed environment, you'll have fun discovering
whether any of the 14 errors pertain to you, and how to replace any
bad habits with good ones.  And when I reveal the 14 Deadly Errors
(and their variations), you will also learn what women REALLY want
when they dance with you!

In the coming months, you'll see dramatic results in record time, IF
you follow the program that I’ll outline for you at the seminar!  I
guarantee it! (See my money-back satisfaction guarantee in the yellow
box at the bottom of  http://tiny.cc/slaythedragonsMO.)

And there’s lots of good, solid information - and fun! - for women,
who are welcome to participate at HALF-PRICE.


Consider adding my "PERSONALIZED DRAGON-SLAYER ROADMAP” Option (men only):

Pre-register to dance 2 tangos with me at the Thursday evening
milonga, and by Saturday you can pick up your "Personalized
Dragon-Slayer Roadmap" to take home as your personal study plan.

Super special prices for Meet in the Middle guests, if you
pre-register by September 1.
Details and how to register at: http://tiny.cc/slaythedragonsMO

No pressure, no embarrassment, LOTS OF ENCOURAGEMENT and LOTS OF FUN!

But register by September 1 to get the best prices!

Find out all about the Karen Whitesell's Meet in the Middle Festival
at:  http://tiny.cc/meetinthemiddle2009

And of course, you can write me at htreitman at gmail.com or call me
(239-776-6535) with any questions about my seminar.

Dedicated to helping you become the confident, sexy tanguero that
you're meant to be (and that women are aching to dance with),
www.HelaineTreitmanTango.com &
239-236-0984 (fax)

c/o Backstage Dance Academy
5400 Jaeger Rd. (off Pine Ridge)
Naples, FL 34109

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