[Tango-A] Daniela & Luis in Ithaca NEXT Weekend (9/26-28/08)
Wolfgang Sachse
sachse at ccmr.cornell.edu
Sat Sep 20 14:17:02 EDT 2008
Hola Tangueros/Tangueras!
Only two (2) days remain to Monday, September 22nd, which is
the last day to obtain the early-bird Pre-registration rate
for the Daniela & Luis Workshop in Ithaca. The workshop is
NEXT weekend, starting Friday-Sunday, September 26th-28th.
Friday: Privates plus "Tango Clinics"
Only a few openings remain for the "Tango Clinics" - Two couples,
in a 90-minute semi-private lesson with Daniela & Luis. $40/person.
Contact Wolfgang <whs3 at cornell.edu>
A small number of Privates are still available, $70/individual; $85/couple
Contact Juan <jbrache at twcny.rr.com>
Friday, 8 pm: Free Tango Lesson for Beginners (Anton and Partner; BRB)
Friday, 9-12 pm: "Welcoming Milonga" (BRB; DJ, Marina)
Saturday/Sunday: Workshop; Milongas:
Please check out the WEB Site. You'll notice we've scheduled
some interesting classes. And the Workshop fees are the
same as the past two+ years! Specials for students!!
*** NEW for this Workshop: All classes are 90 minutes long.
It's all at: http://rso.cornell.edu/tango/
... Look under `Upcoming Workshop' and click on `here'.
Workshop Classes: All classes meet at the Dance Studio in the gorgeous
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Island Health and Fitness Center; 310 Taughannock Blvd
Saturday, September 27 Sunday, September 28th
12:00 Registration Registration
12:30-2:00 Secrets of the Connection Intention and Projection [ALL]
2:15-3:45 Elegant Movements Making Colgadas Effortless [INT/ADV]
around the Axes [INT/ADV] All the Secrets of Colgada Technique
4:15-5:45 Explosion and Expression: Linear, Circular, Continuous [INT/ADV]
Adding Dynamics [INT/ADV] Colgadas for Open/Close Embrace
to Circular Movement
9pm - 1am Gran Milonga Regular Sunday Milonga
at Willard Straight Hall at Chanti Loft
DJ, Joaquin Corner of Cayuga/State Sts
FEES: Full Weekend Classes: $90 (includes Saturday's "Gran Milonga"
and the Regular Sunday Milonga)
All Saturday OR Sunday: $45/day; Indiv Classes: $15/ea
** Students: -33% **
AFTER Pre-Registration Ends (Monday 11:59 pm): Full Weekend: $105;
All Saturday OR Sunday: $55/day; Indiv Classes: $20/ea
** Students: -25%
ALSO: PRIVATE LESSONS with Daniela and Luis.
A few time slots are still available!
Contact Juan: <jbrache at twcny.rr.com> to schedule.
AND: TANGO CLINIC: A well-received program of Daniela & Luis' in NYC
(Session time(s) are arranged)
* 1.5 hr - Technique sessions
* Only two couples per session (with Daniela y Luis)
* Singles or couples
* Tailored to the specific needs of students
$40/one session, $75/two sessions
Contact: Wolfgang <whs3 at cornell.edu>
Several points of note ...
* We have scheduled some very interesting classes for
Beginners, Leaders, Followers and Advanced dancers.
There's something for everyone!
* Location of all Workshop classes: Island Health and Fitness Center
* Beautiful Dance Studio * 310 Taughannock Blvd, Ithaca
* Location of Friday's "Welcoming Milonga": Big Red Barn, Cornell campus
* Location of Saturday's "Gran Milonga": Willard Straight Hall
Room 519, Cornell
* Location of Sunday's Regular Milonga: Chanti (upstairs)
(101 S Cayuga Street; Ithaca)
This should be a great workshop. You won't want to miss it.
On behalf of the Workshops Committee. . . Bailemos! . . . . Wolfgang
Tango Workshops Committee ITHACA TANGUEROS www.rso.cornell.edu/tango/
ksenia * noha * juan * joaquin * daisy * valentin * poppy * laurie * wolfgang
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