[Tango-A] NA-E: Yelena Sinelnikova comes to Cleveland, Nov 15 & 16

TimmyTango@aol.com TimmyTango at aol.com
Tue Oct 21 21:45:10 EDT 2008

My Birthday milonga will be November 15 & 16 with special guest 
instructor, Performer
Yelena Sinelnikova from Ann Arbor, Michigan

Oberlin College on Saturday with a milonga in Peters Hall, and Sunday the 
workshops will be held in the Ridgefield Rec Center
As a dancer Yelena is well known for her elegant and sensuous style and  
quality of connection. Her teaching is considered clear, imaginative and  
inspirational.  Yelena's ability to lead as well as follow gives her a deeper 
understanding of both roles and aids profoundly in her teaching and dancing. 
In addition to good technique, musicality and strong connection, Yelena 
emphasizes sensitivity, intuition and feeling. Her philosophy, her dedication to 
growth as a dancer and as a teacher and her genuine passion for tango has been a 
continuous inspiration for the Ann Arbor community where she has been teaching 
since 2001. In addition to her regular classes in Ann Arbor www.a2tango 
Yelena has taught numerous workshops around the country. Portland, Or. Denver, Co. 
just to name two.

Schedule of Events 
Saturday, Nov 15 Oberlin College 
 3:00  to 5:00  in the Cat and the Cream 
" Tango Essentials" 
 Yelena will teach a 2 hour workshop that will focus not only on technique, 
connection and musicality but also on such intangible aspects of tango as 
surrender, intuition and presence.  
9:00 to 12:00  Oberlin College 
Peters Great Hall       Milonga con Dolcezza 
 Sunday, Nov 16 Ridgefield Rec Center 
 8700 Gatewood Drive           North Ridgeville, Ohio  
12:30 Registration and warm up 
 1:00 to 2:30  
Easy Volcadas   
The sign of real mastery of any step is good technique, ability to use it to 
interpret music and the ease with which we execute it on a social dance floor. 
In this class we will work on proper technique for leaders and  
followers to prevent injuries, explore the element of drama and suspension 
and make it all fit beautifully in a tight space. 
 2:45 to 4:15  
Subtleties and Finesse 
This class will focus on things that will add to your dancing in a profound 
way. Things like control, elegance, attention to details, heightened sense  
of musicality and connection...

for non-Oberlin Students 
Saturdays 2 hour class at Oberlin.....$25 
Saturday nights Milonga....................$5 
Sundays, both workshops at Ridgefield......$35 
Private Lessons 
Take a private lesson with Yelena at Alegria. 
One hour.....................$50<BR><BR><BR>**************<BR>New MapQuest 
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