[Tango-A] NA-C: October 9-13, 2008 - Tango Weekend in Chicago with Humberto Décima and Elizabeth Olivera

PJ Grant windycitytango at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 7 17:04:34 EDT 2008

Argentines Humberto Décima and Elizabeth Olivera will offer an exciting Tango Weekend October 9-13, 2008 in Chicago IL featuring classes, performances and private lessons.  A pdf flyer of this is available on www.TangoNoticias.com  at http://www.tangonoticias.com/tn/ads/20080912.pdf and also accessible to members of ChicagoTango or Central Tango Yahoo Groups..

# 10/09-10/13: Chicago IL (for more details send request to WindyCityTango at yahoo.com); ALL 7 classes, including Sunday practica, are $85 if pre-paid by Oct. 9):
  * 10/09 (Thursday): 8:00 to 9:30 pm – Nuevo elements for Salon Dancing (All levels) and 9:30 pm til 1:30 am – Milonga Loca (cash bar and food) with performance by Humberto and Elizabeth; Milonga entry is $10 ($8 for those attending pre-milonga class) at Café Duvall (2257 W 23rd Place @ Oakley, Chicago IL 60608);
   * 10/10 (Friday): 8:15 to 9:45 pm – Tango = Improvisation with Connection and Communication (All Levels) and 10:00 pm til 3:00 am – Milonga Eclectique (BYOB; $15 entry) at Mariposa (4001 N Ravenswood (Suite 503B), Chicago IL 60613)with performance by Humberto and Elizabeth
    * 10/11 (Saturday): Day of Milonga at Mariposa (4001 N Ravenswood (Suite 503B), Chicago IL 60613); 1:00 to 2:30 pm – Milonga Musicality: identify and play with the rhythms (All Levels); 2:45 to 4:15 pm – Milonga Lisa: smooth new & dramatic movements ~ dance what you’ve seen (Intermediate); and,4:30 to 6:00 pm – Milonga Juguetona (Intermediate Plus); and, 
    *  10/12 (Sunday): Day of Tango Nuevo and Practica at Café Duvall (2257 W 23rdPlace @ Oakley, Chicago IL 60608); 1:00 to 2:30 pm – Colgadas and
Volcadas: technique and variations (Intermediate Plus); 2:45 to 4:15 pm  – Sacadas of the Leader and Follower, including the Fourth Sacada (Intermediate and Advanced); and, 4:30 to 7:30 pm – Intensive Opposites Attract Practica with guidance from Humberto and Elizabeth (All Levels), Entry for Practica is $5 to those taking at least 2 classes with Humberto & Elizabeth Oct. 9-12 or $10 for others; it’s FREE with a full 7 class pre-paid package    

$$ Pricing for Chicago classes with Humberto & Elizabeth Oct. 9-12: At the door price: $15 per class per person, IF pre-paid by Oct. 9, (PayPal™ available) or with student ID: 1 class = $14; any 2 = $28; any 3 = $41; any 4 = $53; any 5 = $64; any 6 = $75; ALL 7 = $85 including Sunday practica 

   * 10/09-10/13: Available for private lessons – to schedule, call 217-898-8971 for Humberto or 217-714-3337 for Elizabeth .
#  10/14: return to Buenos Aires, returning to USA in November 2008 and again for early 2009; contact Phoebe J Grant for information onHumberto & Elizabeth’s schedule during these dates.

Sponsored by WindyCityTango, Unlimited, Humberto and Elizabeth are exciting, grounded and caring instructors and performers, embarking on their first tour of the USA.  For a preview of their style, check out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H-7TJBDFEbMandfeature=email;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qqt2YYYxW1candfeature=related;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-qHy10nqkwandfeature=related;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_3D6OEcA74;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myZsRdwa_ZMandfeature=related;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVl-njolbAoandfeature=related;http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=myZsRdwa_ZMandfeature=related;or http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tVl-njolbAoandfeature=related.

In addition, Humberto and Elizabeth are experts Tangotherapy (™ in Argentina ), an alternative to health through art, dance, the connection with others, self-reflection and learning in collaboration with a group. Founded in conjunction with Maria Celia Arias, Tangotherapy™ comes from the essence of dance: from the natural, organic and spontaneous movements occurring in humans’ daily life. It is a corporal technique, interrelating Art (via dance) and Science (via psychology). Dancers Humberto, with a Master’s degree in Psychology, and Elizabeth, with a Nursing degree, integrate Tangotherapy™ into their teaching and dancing.

Info: eoptangocompany at yahoo.com.ar\ www.eoptangocompany.com.ar; To schedule private lessonslessons – call217-898-8971 for Humberto or 217-714-3337 for Elizabeth .

Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited
312-60TANGO (312-608-2646) cell - text msgs welcome
WindyCityTango at yahoo.com (for tango business messages)
TangoLadyChicago at yahoo.com (for immediate communication)
Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango

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