[Tango-A] NA-C: Enriqueta Kleinman to teach pre-milonga class at Nuestro Tango in Chicago on May 30th
PJ Grant
windycitytango at yahoo.com
Thu May 22 13:07:45 EDT 2008
An early reminder for NEXT Friday's milonga Nuestro Tango, Inc. on May 30th, as we have 5 Fridays in this month.
Your evening of dancing will begin with a special pre-milonga all levels class taught by Enriqueta Kleinman: "Match your dancing to the rhythms of the music - slow, medium, rapid"; the class begins at 7:45 p and has a separate $15 cost. There will be no 'free' class on May 30th. Enriqueta may showcase during milonga Nuestro Tango, probably around 11:30 p.
Enriqueta has danced Tango Milonguero Style for over 15 years. She is an expert in Salon Tango - Milonguero Style, Tango Waltz and Milonga. Enriqueta also specialises in teaching technique for women and has led many courses and seminars. Enriqueta performed at the 3rd and 5th Metropolitan Championships in Buenos Aires and also has showcased in Buenos Aires at many milongas including Salon Canning, Cachirulo (Maipu 444), and at the Confiteria Ideal at the First Milongueando Festival in Buenos Aires. She has been an instructor at Susana Miller's La Academia and presently teaches with Nestor La Vitola at Maipu 444.
Enriqueta currently is touring with Nestor La Vitola, sponsored by Chicago Milionguero, Ltd. They will guest instruct this evening (Thursday, May 22) at Cafe Duvall from 8:00-9:30 p before the milonga. They will teach "The Three Crosses in Tango: Forward & Backward ochos, ocho cortados & ochos milongueros," $15/person. Nestor and Enriqueta will also perform during the milonga that evening. Friday evening, May 23, from 7:30-9:00 p they plan to teach another class, for intermediate to advanced dancers, at Cafe Duvall titled: "Dancing to Pugliese: Interpreting the music of this special orchestra". The cost will be $25/person or $20 for people taking the class on Thursday.
The following links are to some of their performances:
Enriqueta will be available for private lessons in Chicago through early June. To schedule a private please contact Enriqueta directly at 312-285-7995 or enriquetakleinman at yahoo.com.
milonga Nuestro Tango, Inc. is danced the LAST Friday of EVERY month at The Latvian Community Center (4146 N. Elston Ave., Chicago) from 9:00 p to 1:00+ a. The hostesses - Valentina Cisar, Carmen Pinto and/or Phoebe J. Grant - provide a light buffet but BYOB; the cover for the milonga is $15. This also is the first announcement of the return of El Pulpo (Norberto Esbrez), who will be teaching and dancing at milonga Nuestro Tango on Friday, July 25th. Pulpo will be in Chicago, sponsored by WindyCityTango, Unlimited, for workshops and private lessons from July 23-29, 2008.
Additionally, Phoebe has several pairs of beautiful Argentine shoes (primarily sizes 6.5-7.5 plus a few smaller as well as larger models) still available for purchase. If you have shoes you would like to sell, feel free bring them on May 30th. Please have 1 shoe clearly labeled with your name, the size and the price.
Contact Phoebe J. (PJ) Grant of WindyCityTango, Unlimited for details on the above events at WindyCityTango@ yahoo.com (allow 24 hours for response to this email0 or on her cell: 312-60TANGO (312-608-2646 - text msgs welcome) / Promoter, Teacher, Performer, Sponsor of Argentine Tango
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