[Tango-A] EU-W: Tango in Venice
fernando.l.filippelli at us.hsbc.com
Sun Jun 22 14:09:10 EDT 2008
There are milongas across from Venezia, on the continent. Also check in
Padova (lot of tango there)
Have fun!
Fernando L Filippelli
Financial Manager - Chargebacks & SWC | GHQ IT P&F
8 Canada Square,Canary Wharf,London,E14 5HQ,United Kingdom
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Email fernando.l.filippelli at us.hsbc.com
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<tangoanso at gmail. To
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it.edu Subject
[Tango-A] EU-W: Tango in Venice
19/06/2008 19:37
Hola todos.
I am in Venice at the moment and we don't seem to be able to find a place
tango! If anybody has a good suggestion for tonight or tomorrow, we'd
appreciate it!
you can send me a sms at 32479014658 thanks
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