[Tango-A] NA-E: Pablo Inza in Montreal

studio tango montreal info at studiotango.ca
Tue Jun 17 17:39:45 EDT 2008

Not to be missed, back by popular demand !
June 25th -30th
classes (see below) for intermediate and advanced tango dancers
for details in regards to class descriptions and fees :  www.studiotango.ca
All classes will be gender balanced, spots are limited - therefore 
reservations are necessary
reservations:  info at studiotango.ca

SCHEDULE for Pablo and Maria:

Wednesday, June 25th:
6:45 pm:  Dancing in Compact Spaces (inter-advanced)
8:30 pm - 1 am:  Dance Evening, 8$

Thursday, June 26th:
6:45 pm: Musicality (intermediate)
8:30 pm: Colgadas with Ganchos (advanced)

Saturday, June 28th
2:00 pm:  How to Have Fun, while keeping things simple! (Intermediate)
4:00 pm:  Boleos and Rebotes

9:30 pm - 3am :  MIlonga with special guests Pablo and Maria, $12

Sunday, June 29th
3:00 pm:  Milonga (intermediate)
5:00 pm:  Dymanics and Musicality (advanced)

Monday, June 30th
6:45 pm:  Sacadas for Leaders and Followers (inter-advanced)

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