[Tango-A] THIS WEEK: Mariana Galassi in Ithaca, NY; Pre-registration ends TONIGHT!
Wolfgang Sachse
sachse at ccmr.cornell.edu
Mon Jun 9 10:40:17 EDT 2008
Hola Tangueros/Tangueras!
... Back by popular demand ...
The week has begun: Mariana Galassi in Ithaca THIS WEEK !!!
... In the heart of the Finger Lakes in upstate New York ...
Thursday, Friday: Privates
Friday, 7 pm: "Noche de Bienvenida" (pot-luck/dish-to-pass; video; dancing)
Saturday/Sunday: Workshop; Milongas
** NOTE: The PRE-REGISTRATION ends midnight TONIGHT! **
TODAY is the LAST day to Pre-register to be able to enroll
in the Workshop or classes at the lowest possible price.
Please check out the WEB Site. You'll notice we've scheduled
some interesting classes. And the Workshop fees are the
same as the past two years! Specials for students.
It's all at: http://rso.cornell.edu/tango/
... Look under `Upcoming Workshop' and click on `here'.
Workshop Classes:
Saturday, June 14th Sunday, June, 15th
12:00 Registration Registration
12:20-1:35 General Technique for Followers' Technique [ALL]
Leaders and Followers [ALL]
1:50-3:05 Rythm Tango [Int/Adv] Communication/Connection [Int/Adv]
3:35-4:50 Sacadas for Followers Exploring Different Dynamics
and Leaders [Int/Adv] [Int/Adv]
9pm - 1am Milonga de Arriba Regular Sunday Milonga
at Chanticleer Loft at Chanti Loft (DJ Joaquin)
Ira Goldstein and Corner of Cayuga/State Sts
Tessa Sage Flores
FEES: Full Weekend Classes: $90 (includes Friday and Sunday Milongas)
All Saturday OR Sunday: $45/day; Indiv Classes: $15/ea
(Saturday's "Milonga de Arriba" is NOT included.)
** Students: -33% **
AFTER TODAY - HIGHER FEES: Full Weekend: $105;
All Saturday OR Sunday: $55/day; Indiv Classes: $20/ea
** Students: -25% (after TODAY)
ALSO: PRIVATE LESSONS with Mariana Galassi. Only a small number
of time slots are still available!
Thursday and Friday, June 12-13.
Contact Juan Brache: <jbrache at twcny.rr.com> to schedule.
Several points of note ...
* Mariana is one of our very favorite teachers. She's great:
A great teacher; an incredible performer and a wonderful
human being.
* We have scheduled some VERY interesting classes for
Beginners, Leaders, Followers and Advanced dancers.
There's something for everyone!
* All the Workshop classes will be at Cornell's Robert Purcell
Community Center (RPU 218). Air-conditioned and plenty of
convenient parking nearby.
* We will have a "Noche de Bienvenida" including a Dish-to-Pass
(Pot Luck) meal before a milonga on Friday evening, June 13th,
starting at 7 pm. At the air-conditioned Chanti; Dinner followed
by a Mariana Galassi video; Followed by dancing until 11-12 pm.
ALSO: Please click on the WEB Site to let us know what food
or drink you will bring to share. Gracias. Thank you. Merci.
This will be a great workshop. You won't want to miss it.
On behalf of the Workshops Committee. . . Bailemos! . . . . Wolfgang
Tango Workshops Committee ITHACA TANGUEROS www.rso.cornell.edu/tango/
anton * noha * juan * joaquin * valentin * poppy * laurie * wolfgang
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