[Tango-A] NA-C, NA-E, NA-W: Pablo Veron workshops in Chicago August 9-10

Tango Éclectique tangoeclectique at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 03:01:27 EDT 2008

Pablo Veron & Rachel Greenberg will be conducting intensive workshops
exclusively for intermediate/advanced dancers in a progressive manner
in Chicago on August 9 and 10. We will accept registration in advance,
as there is limited space.

The workshops and milonga will be held at DoubleTree Hotel, Skokie on Saturday
August 9 and Sunday August 10.

Please register online at: www.regonline.com/pabloveron



Workshops: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Milonga: On Saturday from 9:00 PM – 5:00 AM
DoubleTree hotel Versailles ballroom


Workshops: 12:00 PM – 6:00 PM

Pablo has requested that he announce the topics of the workshops on
the day they will be given and not published in advance. As mentioned
above, the level of the workshops will start at an intermediate level
and progress gradually to an advanced level with a high degree of
difficulty. Please be aware that he will not dilute the material or
lower the level of difficulty of the topic even if he sees that some
of the participants are having difficulty in keeping up with the
class. We hope you understand that doing so would not be fair either
to the instructor or the participants who expect a workshop of the
highest quality.


A two day workshop (6 classes of 90 minutes each) and milonga package is $220

A one day workshop (3 classes of 90 minutes each) and milonga package is $120

The milonga price is $20 for those who have not purchased either of the packages

Please call the hotel directly to reserve your room (847) 679-7000.
The room rate is $85 from Friday (8 August) through Sunday (10
August). Guests will also be provided a breakfast coupon for each
night of stay.

Here is the web address for the hotel:


Maria & Burak
Tango Éclectique Event Architects

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