[Tango-A] NA-C: Early bird deadline is one week away for Tete and Silvia workshops

ceverett@ceverett.com ceverett at ceverett.com
Sat Jul 26 20:20:19 EDT 2008

Hi, I am hosting Tete Rusconi and Silvia Ceriani in Minneapolis from 
August 7th to August 14th this year.  

Tete is known for his unique musicality and effortless creativity.  Many
important teachers have themselves studied extensively with him, to the 
point where his influence on Argentine tango has become pervasive.  For
instance, the Nuevo Tango concept of "change of direction" is a creative
space that he began exploring decades before the words "Nuevo" and
"Tango" were ever spoken in sequence.

Tete is one of the last of his breed, a self-taught dancer transplanted 
from the Golden Age of tango that excites the admiration of todays great 
professional dancers, and many people consider him a grandfather to all 
of us in tango, for his creative discoveries, the twinkle in his eye and
sense of humor, and his generous willingness to share what he knows.

Because his musicality is a deep part of his creativity, Silvia and I 
have worked very hard to create a workshop program that gives him the 
opportunity to pass on some of his knowledge in this area.  And to help 
as many people to take as many of his classes as they can, I have added 
some generous incentives for participation:

  -- a 50% discount for full time students
  -- a significant discount for early workshop payment
  -- I will pay the attendance at the TSoM milonga for persons taking 4 
     or more classes in the workshop, where Silvia Ceriani will DJ* 

Tete is a living national treasure of Argentina, and every chance to
study tango with him is an opportunity of historic proportions.  Please 
help me make this event a success, so we can have him back as many 
times as we are able.

*Silvia is a prominent Buenos Aires DJ, she has been doing the music for 
the Parakultural milonga at Salón Canning for years.

Friday, 8/8    9:00 pm  All: The axis & changing direction on the Floor 
              10:00 pm  Milonga Flor-de-Luna, tango demo by Tete &
                        Silvia at 11:00 pm (free for those taking the
                        9:00 pm class)

Saturday, 8/9  1:00 pm  All: Movement & pause, cadencia & continuity
                        in turns
               3:15 pm  Int: Differentiating tango 7 vals
               9:00 pm  TSoM milonga at On Your Toes, DJ is Sylvia
                        Ceriani, (I pay for those taking 4 or more 

Sunday, 8/10   1:00 pm  Int: Simple sequences, repetition &
               3:15 pm  Adv: Finding your own steps
               8:00 pm  Mandragora Tango at Social Dance Studio (contact 
                        Sabine Ibes, sabine at ibeslandscaping.com)

Monday, 8/11   8:00 pm  All: Making friends with the music, focusing on
                        the most relevant orquestra tipicas of the
                        Golden Age: D'Arienzo, Di Sarli, Troilo and 
                        Pugliese; at the Oddfellows Hall in St. Paul.

Friday night Class + Milonga: $20.00

1 class, $25/$30        (early bird/hungry bird)
2 classes, $48/$58
4 classes, $90/$110**
5 classes, $110/$135**

50% workshop discount for full time students.

**TSoM Milonga cover charge included

Private lessons available, $100.00

Early bird deadline is midnight of Saturday August 2nd.  I take cash,
checks and PayPal (including credit cards).  Make your checks out to 
Christopher L. Everett.  
My PayPal address is ceverett at ceverett.com, please note what you are
paying for in the comment field.


Street Address     _________________________________________________

Email              _________________________________________________

City, State & Zip  _________________________________________________

# of Classes       _________________________________________________

Student             Yes  /  No

Pay By              Cash  /  Check  /  PayPal

Total Amount       _________________________________________________

*Please circle classes you are taking above


Christopher L. Everett
ceverett at ceverett.com (preferred)
612-812-8664 (after 6:00 pm only, please)

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions about class content,
locations, travel or housing.

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