[Tango-A] MISC: 2nd USA Tango Champions of Stage & Salon!
info at celebratetango.com
Sat Jul 19 05:27:53 EDT 2008
A big thank you to, Lafayette Grill for hosting, and Hernan Brizuela for
DJ-ing the FINALS of the
2nd USA Tango Championship
Thursday July 17th, 2008
The 2008 Official Judges
Nelson Avila, Jorge Torres & Junior Cervila
MC Sid Grant announced the following WINNERS
And Championship Coordinator Evelyn Meier gave the medals & trophies to the
2nd USA Tango Salon Winners
1st Place Champions: MARIANA PARMA & OMAR LAGOS (112)
2nd: 104 Mayumi Fujio & David Chiu (104)
3rd: 103 Gayle Madeira & Lexa Rosean (103)
2nd USA Tango Stage Winners
1st Place Champions: GAYLE MADEIRA & LEXA ROSEAN (103)
2nd: Mayumi Fujio & David Chiu (104)
3rd: Natalia Atepaeva & Vladimir Khorev (105)
I feel deep appreciation for the support I received from all those who
worked so hard for this event and congratulations to all of those that
Thursday July 17th
Lafayette Grill, 54 Franklin St.(B¹way & Lafayette)(212)732-5600
8:00-9:00pm Intermediate Class: NELSON AVILA & MADALYN
2008 Official Judges
Nelson Avila, Jorge Torres & Junior Cervila
MC Sid Grant
Championship Coordinator Evelyn Meier
9:00-10:00pm Championship: 2nd Salon & Stage Finals
10:20pm-2:00am Championship Celebration Milonga
Exhibition: Jerry Perez & Christine Lopez (1st USA stage champions)
2nd USA Stage Champions & 2nd USA Salon Champions
DJ: Hernan Brizuela
Door $22 Milonga Only $12
Register for individual classes, and events:
Last chance to get your tickets to the Friday Black and White Ball at
Stepping Out for $40
Register online for classes
Online with credit card or Paypal:
In person: Friday Dance Manhattan, 39 w 19 St, Saturday & Sunday Stepping
Out 37 W 26 St 9fl
For Air and Hotel packages contact: Baneza Travel at: banibini at hotmail.com
212 203 2838
ALSO Remember "La gran manzana" is a ³HOT² summer vacation spot so call now
to reserve your space in this HOT tango town with a HOT tango festival.
For additional information contact:
Gayatri & the CT Dream Team
212 725 1078
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