[Tango-A] NA: W- Hugo "Gato" Valdez and Andrea Monti teach in February & March, 2008, Oakland, CA

Eugene & Jeanne Hill genejeanne at comcast.net
Fri Jan 18 16:55:06 EST 2008

Classes with Hugo "Gato" Valdez & Andrea Monti at Lake Merritt Dance
Center, 200 Grand Avenue, Oakland, CA on Monday in February and March.

*BEGINNER'S class* - Fundamentals of tango and TECHNIQUE (basics steps
and fundamentals). Dancers who are intermediate can also take it to
review technique and basics.

February 4, 11, 18, 25, 2008

*INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED class* – TANGO - Simple and double beats, walks,
pauses, stops, turns, sacadas, barridas and voleos, combinations,
musicality and navigation.

March – 3, 10, 17, 24, 2008

*INTERMEDIATE-ADVANCED class* – VALS - Crossed system, rhythm, double
time, displacements, turns with syncopation, alterations, figures and
combinations applied with musicality.

Beginner class 7:30 to 8:15 pm - $10, beginner with practice $15
Intermediate class 8:30 to 9:30 pm - $15 for class and practice, ($20
for both Beginner & Intermediate with practice)
Practice till 10:30 pm - $5 for practice alone

Contact Jeanne Hill at genejeanne at comcast.net or by phone (925) 283-0191

For private lessons, email Gato & Andrea at andretodotango at yahoo.com.ar,
http://www.gatotango.com, or phone (415) 425-0515.

As teachers they have developed, through many years of experience and
work, a teaching method based on the technique of posture, balance,
axes, weight changes, rhythm and especially on the tango walk, with
emphasis on the interpretation of the music and encouraging the students
to express their feelings when dancing.

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